FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION John L. Winn F. PHILIP HANDY, Chairman Commissioner of Education T. WILLARD FAIR, Vice Chairman Members DONNA G. CALLAWAY ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON KATHLEEN SHANAHAN LINDA K. TAYLOR MEMORANDUM Contact Information: Name: Lee Clark TO: Exceptional Student Education Directors Phone: (850) 245-0478 Student Services Directors E-mail: lee.clark@fldoe.org K12: 2006-91 FROM: Bambi J. Lockman DATE: July 11, 2006 SUBJECT: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PAPER: SERVING STUDENTS WITH ... BJL/lct Attachment: TAP: Serving Students with Disabilities through Modified Schedule and/or Home Instruction cc: All Principals BAMBI J. LOCKMAN Chief ? Bureau ...
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