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Title I Schools in Corrective Action
K12: 2005-166 Memo
Handle: Document-3421
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Friday, December 9, 2005 08:59:02 AM EST
Friday, December 9, 2005 08:59:02 AM EST
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  • FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? 2. Serve as the regional facilitator for the district with schools in Corrective Action. 3. Serve as the point person for the schools in Corrective Action. 850-638-6274 ? 352-955-7070 Regions III and IV? Region V University of South Florida, Anchin Center Miami-Dade Public Schools Brian Curry Patti Bartels CPY:lcs cc: ? District Title I Coordinators District School Improvement Coordinators
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Appears In: Dropout Prevention ESOL / LEP English for Speakers of Other Languages / Limited English Proficient K12 Memos No Child Left Behind Act Updates Safe Schools Title I
Preferred Version: Title I Schools in Corrective Action