FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION S TATE BOARD OF EDUCATION T. WILLARD FAIR, Chairman Members DR. AKSHAY DESAI ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON KATHLEEN SHANAHAN LINDA K. TAYLOR Jeanine Blomberg Commissioner of Education CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Sharon Koon Phone: (850) 245-0513 E-mail: Sharon.Koon@fldoe.org MEMORANDUM TO: District School Superintendents FROM: Commissioner Jeanine Blomberg DATE: April 26, 2007 SUBJECT: FCAT Writing+ Achievement Standards Now that the 2007 FCAT student results have been ... JB/CSO/sk cc: Chancellor Cheri Yecke Assistant Superintendents for Instruction Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals Student Assessment Coordinators Student Services Directors
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