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2007-2008 Congress-Bundestag Vocational Exchange Scholarship
Handle: Document-4156
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, January 4, 2007 09:10:40 AM EST
Friday, January 5, 2007 03:24:17 PM EST
Modified By: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
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  • FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION John L. Winn Commissioner of Education T. WILLARD FAIR, Chairman F. PHILIP HANDY, Vice Chairman Members DONNA G. CALLAWAY ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON KATHLEEN SHANAHAN LINDA K. TAYLOR December 27, 2006 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Career and Technical Education Directors Student Services Directors High School Guidance Directors FROM: J. David Armstrong, Jr. SUBJECT: 2006 Congress-Bundestag Vocational Exchange Scholarship Florida is once again participating in the ... This program supports the Department of Education’s Strategic Imperative to improve student learning by providing world-class higher education opportunities. JDA/pwl
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) - application/pdf
Appears In: Career & Technical Education Guidance / Career Counseling Guidance Counseling Misc. Memos Student Financial Aid (Scholarships, Grants, Loans)
Preferred Version: 2007 Congress-Bundestag Vocational Exchange Scholarship