STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION ? JIM HORNE Commissioner of Education F. PHILIP HANDY, Chairman€ T. WILLARD FAIR, Vice Chairman€ Members€ SALLY BRADSHAW€ LINDA J. EADS, ED.D.€ CHARLES PATRICK GARCÍA€ JULIA L. JOHNSON€ WILLIAM L. PROCTOR, PH.D.€ March 1, 2004 MEMORANDUM #04-13 TO:? Directors of Exceptional Student Education District Prekindergarten Contacts Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention Program Contacts Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) Project Personnel CSPD Professional Development Partnership Coordinators Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS) Associate Centers FROM: ? Michele Polland SUBJECT:? Janice Kelley Lee Sherry MICHELE POLLAND Acting Chief...
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