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Statewide Coordinators' Meeting
Memorandum 02-78
Statewide Coordinators' Meeting for Health Education, Health Services, Food Services, & Physical Education Coordinators Memorandum 02-78
Handle: Document-399
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 04:18:26 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 04:23:37 PM EDT
Modified By: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
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  • FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SHAN GOFF, CHIEF CHARLIE CRIST BUREAU OF INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Commissioner AND COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM 02-78 TO: District School Superintendents County Health Department Directors FROM: Shan Goff DATE: August 20, 2002 SUBJECT: STATEWIDE COORDINATORS’ MEETING FOR HEALTH EDUCATION, HEALTH SERVICES, FOOD SERVICE, AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION COORDINATORS The Florida Departments of Education and Health, Coordinated School Health Programs, are sponsoring a statewide ... SG:lkb Enclosures cc: AIDS Education Advisory Council County Health Department School Health Services Coordinators Department of Education’s Cadre of Trainers Florida School Health and Education...
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Appears In: A+ Plan / School Improvement Archive: 2002 BISCS Chief Memos Archives: 2002 Charter Schools Archive: 2002 Curriculum Archive: 2002 Dropout Prevention Archive: 2002 ESE Exceptional Student Education Archive: 2002 Family Friendly Districts Archive: 2002 Guidance Counseling Archive: 2002 Non - Public Schools Archive: 2002 Safe Schools Archive: 2002 Statewide Conferences Archive: 2002 Student Services Archive: 2002
Preferred Version: Statewide Coordinators' Meeting