FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Dr. Eric J. Smith T. WILLARD FAIR, Chairman Commissioner of Education Members DR. AKSHAY DESAI MARK KAPLAN JOHN R. PADGET KATHLEEN SHANAHAN SUSAN STORY 2011 Race to the Top Vendor Fair February 4, 2011 Page Two To register for this event, please complete the “Commitment to Attend” registration at http://data.fldoe.org/register/rtttdistrict/default.cfm. Hotel reservations can be made by calli ng 1- 800-327-2110 or by visiting www.doubletreeorlando.com. Special rates are available until February 11, 2011. If you have questions regarding this event, please contact Sonya G. Morris at Sonya.Morris@fldoe.org or (850) 245-9614. FH/he
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