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2007-08 Administration of the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener and the Letter Naming Fluency Measure of the Indicadores Dinámicos del Exito en la Lectura (IDEL)
Memo 07-28
Handle: Document-4597
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, September 6, 2007 01:08:32 PM EDT
Thursday, September 6, 2007 01:08:32 PM EDT
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  • FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION? Jeanine Blomberg Commissioner of Education T. WILLARD FAIR, Chairman Members DONNA G. CALLAWAY DR. AKSHAY DESAI ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON KATHLEEN SHANAHAN LINDA K. TAYLOR September 5, 2007 MEMORANDUM #07-28 TO:? Elementary School Principals District School Superintendents FROM: ? Jeanine Blomberg, Commissioner of Education SUBJECT:? calculating the VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate. JB/sgg c: ? District Assessment Coordinators District ESOL Coordinators Early Learning Coalition Executive Directors
Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) - application/pdf
Appears In: ESOL / LEP English for Speakers of Other Languages / Limited English Proficient Misc. Memos Student Assessment VPK
Preferred Version: 2007-08 Administration of the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener and the Letter Naming Fluency Measure of the Indicadores Dinámicos del Exito en la Lectura (IDEL)