FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION S TATE BOARD OF EDUCATION T. WILLARD FAIR, Chairman Members DONNA G. CALLAWAY DR. AKSHAY DESAI ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON KATHLEEN SHANAHAN LINDA K. TAYLOR Jeanine Blomberg Commissioner of Education MEMORANDUM TO: District School Superintendents FROM: Dr. Cornelia S. Orr, Assistant Deputy Commissioner Accountability, Research, and Measurement for Assessment DATE: June 28, 2007 SUBJECT: PSAT and PLAN Student Testing In support of the Florida Department of Education’... Thank you for your cooperation. CO/ks Attachments CC: Kristen Ellington Monica Hayes Cheri Pierson Yecke, Ph.D. Jay Pfeiffer Pam Stewart Pamela H. Smith Iris C. Wilson
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