FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION John L. Winn Commissioner of Education F. PHILIP HANDY, Chairman T. WILLARD FAIR, Vice Chairman Members DONNA G. CALLAWAY ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON KATHLEEN SHANAHAN LINDA K. TAYLOR Contact Information: Kathy Burton (850) 245-0478 Kathy.Burton@fldoe.org MEMORANDUM K12: 2006-64 TO: Principals FROM: Cheri Pierson Yecke, Ph.D. DATE: May 11, 2006 SUBJECT: Family Friendly Schools Given that the evidence of more than 35 years of research in education is consistent and ... CHERI PIERSON YECKE, PH.D. ? CHANCELLOR, K-12 PUBLIC SCHOOLS? CPK/kbm cc: ? District Superintendents District Parent Services Personnel FDLRS Parent Services ...
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