District Number (2 Character ) School Name School Number (4 Character s) Grade Span Sch Type (MSID Files) N & D Indicate if New School Total # of Children Attending Public School Total # of Children from Low Income Families Total % of Children from Low Income Families Selection Code Select for Split FundingSelect for Grade Span Grouping A B PPA TSA TA SW NA Middle Schools (17) (18) t (3) (4) (5) 6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Program Coun Type Districtwide Ranking or Grade Span Group. (Select One only) District Number (2 Character ) School Name School Number (4 Character s) Grade Span Sch Type (MSID Files) N & D Indicate if New School Total # of Children Attending Public ...
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