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Technical Assistance Paper #05-02: Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Programs (VPK) and Programs for Children with Disabilities
TAP Memo 05-02 July, 20, 2005
Handle: Document-3113
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Friday, July 22, 2005 08:59:14 AM EDT
Friday, July 22, 2005 08:59:14 AM EDT
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  • John L. Winn Commissioner of Education F. PHILIP HANDY, Chairman T. WILLARD FAIR, Vice Chairman Members DONNA G. CALLAWAY JULIA L. JOHNSON ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ PHOEBE RAULERSON LINDA K. TAYLOR July 20, 2005 M E M O R A N D U M # 05-03 TO: ? District School Superintendents FROM: ? Shan Goff, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning Bambi J. Lockman, Chief, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services SUBJECT:? District Administrators, Exceptional Student Education Coordinators, Prekindergarten Programs for Children with Disabilities Finance Officers Gladys Wilson Jeanine Blomberg Mary Jane Tappen 325 W. GAINES STREET • SUITE 1532 • TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0400 • (850) 245-0445 • www....
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Appears In: Early Childhood ESE Exceptional Student Education TAP Memos VPK
Preferred Version: Technical Assistance Paper #05-02: Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Programs (VPK) and Programs for Children with Disabilities