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Distribution of Capital Outlay Funds for Charter Schools
COEFO Memo 05-33 Attachment B
Handle: Document-3070
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 02:36:18 PM EDT
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 02:36:18 PM EDT
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  • CHARTER SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY PLAN In each year that funds are appropriated for charter school capital outlay purposes, the Commissioner of Education shall allocate the funds among eligible charter schools. (Section 1013.62(1), F.S.). Prior to the transfer of funds to the charter school, this form must be completed and the information verified and approved by the charter school governing board and sponsoring district. CHARTER SCHOOL INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION Charter School Name District Name Street Address For School Year City, State, Zip Code Amount of Money Expected for the School Year Telephone Number District Charter School Liaison Name and Phone Number Charter School Contact ...
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Preferred Version: Distribution of Capital Outlay Funds for Charter Schools