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Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Programs
TAP 05-01
Handle: Document-2926
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:23:15 AM EDT
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:23:15 AM EDT
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  • Florida Department of Education Office of Early Learning SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND THE PROVISION OF SCHOOL-YEAR ? VOLUNTARY PREKINDERGARTEN (VPK) EDUCATION PROGRAMS ? Purpose of Technical Assistance Paper (TAP) ? The purpose of this technical assistance paper is to provide information related to the provision of the VPK school year-program by public schools, including charter schools, and the impact on current prekindergarten (prek) programs. Background Information HB 1A and Class Size Requirements House Bill (HB) 1A ( was passed during the 2004 special legislative session to implement Florida’s voluntary prekindergarten ...
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Appears In: Early Childhood TAP Memos
Preferred Version: Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Programs