JOHN WINN Commissioner of Education F. PHILIP HANDY, Chairman T. WILLARD FAIR, Vice Chairman Members LINDA J. EADS, ED.D. CHARLES PATRICK GARCÍA JULIA L. JOHNSON WILLIAM L. PROCTOR, PH.D. LINDA K. TAYLOR CONTACT PERSONS NAME: Donnajo Smith PHONE: (850) 245-0478 SUNCOM: 205-0478 EMAIL: NAME: Kay Caster PHONE: (850) 245-0509 SUNCOM: 205-0509 EMAIL: DPS: 05-038 M E M O R A N D U M TO:? JW/dsm Attachments cc: ? Assistant Superintendents for Instruction Directors, Exceptional Student Education University Lab School Directors Contact Persons, Programs for the Gifted Renee Speisman, ISRD 2004-05 Collaborative Curriculum Project Grant Recipients
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