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Provisions Relating to Specified Offenders & School Bus Stops
Attachment B
Handle: Document-2433
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Friday, September 17, 2004 03:32:54 PM EDT
Friday, September 17, 2004 03:32:54 PM EDT
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  • FLORIDA ? DEPARTMENT of ? CORRECTIONS ? Governor JEB BUSH Secretary An Equal Opportunity Employer? 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, Florida Statutes (sex offenses); o? •? Sincerely, Barry Q. Groves Deputy Assistant Secretary Probation and Parole BQG/law cc: James V. Crosby, Jr., Secretary R. Beth Atchison, Assistant Secretary, Probation and Parole Adam L. Thomas, Director of Community Operations ? Fred Roesel, Chief, Bureau of Classification and Central Records ? Shari Britton, Chief, Bureau of Probation and Parole ?
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Appears In: Charter Schools COEFO Memos Transportation
Preferred Version: Provisions Relating to Specified Offenders & School Bus Stops