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Public Charter Schools 2004 - 05 Dissemination Grant Application
Handle: Document-2312
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Friday, August 13, 2004 03:25:24 PM EDT
Friday, August 13, 2004 03:25:24 PM EDT
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  • Directions to the Embassy Suites – Downtown Orlando From I-4 East and West-Take Exit 82C (formerly Exit 38)-Anderson East to Rosalind. From I-95 north or south-Take 95 to I-4 towards Orlando. From I-75 north: Take 75 South to Turnpike south to I-4 East. From I-75 South: Take I-75 North to I-4 East. Take 436 to SR 408 (E-W Expwy). From I-75 take I-4 Orlando Exit to Exit 38 Anderson East to Rosalind.
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Appears In: Charter Schools Misc. Memos
Preferred Version: Public Charter Schools 2004 - 05 Dissemination Grant Application