FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION JIM HORNE F. PHILIP HANDY, Chairman T. WILLARD FAIR, Vice Chairman Members LINDA J. EADS, ED.D. CHARLES PATRICK GARCÍA JULIA L. JOHNSON WILLIAM L. PROCTOR, PH.D. LINDA K. TAYLOR August 13, 2004 M E M O R A N D U M TO: School District Superintendents District Charter School Contacts FROM: Theresa A. Klebacha, Ph.D. SUBJECT: Public Charter Schools 2004-05 Dissemination Grant Application The purpose of this memorandum is to reflect the recent changes in the 2004-2005 Charter School... 2.? e f o r the 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 s c h o o l y ea r mus t p r o v ide d o cu me n t a t io n tha t a n a lt e rna ti v e a s s e s sme n t w a s u s ed...
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