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Public Charter Schools Dissemination Grant Application 2004 - 2005
Handle: Document-2181
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Friday, July 2, 2004 11:19:48 AM EDT
Friday, July 2, 2004 11:19:48 AM EDT
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  • 2. Parental satisfaction: The applicant documents evidence of high levels of parental satisfaction. Application Due Date August 20, 2004 by the close of the business. Indicate the relationship of the project to the reading initiative, specifically, Just Read, Florida! Express all the methods as activities in detailed time lines. Describe the qualifications of the person responsible for the project and any additional staff. Attachments to the RFP DOE 100A DOE 101 Assurance Page Lobbying/Debarment Form DOE 901 10? 12/03
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Appears In: Charter Schools Misc. Memos
Preferred Version: Public Charter Schools Dissemination Grant Application 2004 - 2005