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Florida Spotlight on Child Nutrition
Issue #22
Handle: Document-2003
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:48:49 AM EDT
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 10:48:49 AM EDT
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  • ? The local health department, school nurses, the Cardiac Care Program, and a pediatrician work with food service in an ad­ visory capacity. 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1032 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 for space and clarity. —Tammy Bouthillier FNM Staff sponse to our nation’s epidemic of overweight, seden­ tary, and undernourished children and adolescents. —Harriet Hobbs DACS, Bureau of Food Distribution Florida Spotlight ? 7 What’s New in the Resource Center eater in this video for elementary and Food and Nutrition middle school. The information available to them can either start them off with bad habits, or that information can be so Florida Department of Education...
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Appears In: Florida Spotlight on Nutrition
Preferred Version: Florida Spotlight on Child Nutrition