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Assistance to 12th Grade Students Who Have Not Earned Passing Scores on the FCAT
Sample Planning Checklist
Handle: Document-1999
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Monday, April 19, 2004 06:36:33 AM EDT
Monday, April 19, 2004 09:57:51 AM EDT
Modified By: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
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  • ___ Review the student’s FCAT scores, which are stated on the Individual Student FCAT Report, and determine how many points the student’s FCAT score(s) are below the required passing scores. ___ Review the student’s overall school performance, comparing it to requirements for graduation with a standard diploma. ___ ?Determine the FCAT area(s) in which the student needs remediation. ___ ?Revise the AIP to reflect any additional remedial academic interventions that are needed. ___ ?Schedule regular follow-up meetings to monitor progress. ___ ?Track the success of the student and communicate with the parent and student concerning progress.
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Sample Planning Checklist cg 4.14.04.pdf
Appears In: ESE Exceptional Student Education Misc. Memos School Grading Student Services
Preferred Version: Assistance to 12th Grade Students Who Have Not Earned Passing Scores on the FCAT