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Provision of Speech/Language Services to Students with Disabilities
DPS Memo 02-090
Handle: Document-1873
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 09:27:43 AM EST
Wednesday, March 3, 2004 09:27:43 AM EST
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  • FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION? CHARLIE CRIST COMMISSIONER MEMORANDUM€ To: District School Superintendents€ From: Betty Coxe€ Date: April 26, 2002€ BETTY COXE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER FOR EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS CONTACT PERSONS Name: Phone: Suncom: E-mail: DPS: Shan Goff€ Eileen Amy€ 850/488-1570€ 278-1570€€€ 02-90 Subject: Provision of Speech/Language Services to Students with Disabilities The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you of an issue that has been raised by the U.S. ... Thank you for your ongoing support and assistance in the provision of services to students with disabilities. BC:SG/ea Enclosures cc: ? ESE Directors Student ...
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DPS 02-90.pdf
Appears In: 2002 Early Childhood ESE Exceptional Student Education
Preferred Version: Provision of Speech/Language Services to Students with Disabilities