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Family & School Partnership for Student Achievement Act
Attachment #2 Summary
Handle: Document-1247
Owner: Hinson, Kelli (User-47, kelli:DocuShare)DS
Friday, June 20, 2003 04:17:52 PM EDT
Friday, June 20, 2003 04:17:52 PM EDT
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  • Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act Summary The 2003 Legislature enacted the Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act, section 1002.23, Florida Statutes, to provide parents with specific information about their child’s educational progress; provide information about their choices and opportunities for involvement in their child’s education; and provide a framework for building and strengthening partnerships among parents, teachers, principals, district school ... The Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act: Requires each district school board, school district superintendent, and teacher to fully support and cooperate in implementing...
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Appears In: 2003 Community Involvement Dropout Prevention ESE Exceptional Student Education Student Services
Preferred Version: Family & School Partnership for Student Achievement Act