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FACTS FORM 5-17-13
This form is used by contract managers to indicate the necessary information for entering into FACTS.
Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System is a statutorily mandated system managed by the Department of Financial Services. Every executed contractual agreement or grant disbursement must be entered into the FACTS system for Florida Transparency within 30 days of execution. This form is used by contract managers to indicate the necessary information for entering into FACTS.
Handle: Document-7063
Owner: Brown, Janice (User-83, janicebrown:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, May 29, 2014 12:44:28 PM EDT
Thursday, May 29, 2014 12:46:33 PM EDT
Modified By: Brown, Janice (User-83, janicebrown:DocuShare)DS
Locked By:
ZIP Archive (.zip, .jar) - application/x-zip
FACTS Form (locked for fill purpose only) - UPDATE 5-17-2013.docm
Appears In: Contract Documents
Preferred Version: FACTS FORM 5-17-13