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2006-2011 LEA Plan
K12: 2006-56 Attachment
Handle: Document-3678
Owner: Site Administrator (User-2, admin:DocuShare)DS
Monday, April 24, 2006 08:17:25 AM EDT
Monday, April 24, 2006 08:17:25 AM EDT
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  • a brief description of services, qualifications, and demonstrated effectiveness of each provider •? address the development and implementation of the Parent/District/Provider Agreement (PDPA) •? contain provisions for payments to provider by the LEA •? (B) Provide technical assistance and support to schoolwide programs. LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY PLANS. (5) BASIS FOR ADMISSION OR EXCLUSION- A student shall not be admitted to, or excluded from, any federally assisted education program on the basis of a surname or language-minority status 2006-2011 Title I, Part A Local Educational (LEA) Plan Page 20
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Appears In: Curriculum K12 Memos No Child Left Behind Act Updates School Choice Title I
Preferred Version: 2006-2011 LEA Plan