Connie W. Graunke
    Executive Director
    Ph: (850) 201-7363
    SUNCOM: 213-7363
    Fax: (850) 201-7322
    M E M O R A N D U M
    Institutional Managers
    Connie Graunke
    January23, 2003
    FACTS Critical Functions
    The Center is in the process of implementing three critical functions that are intended to
    provide enhanced services to our users. The new functions include: 1) the addition of a
    standardized PIN help page; 2) the sending and receiving of electronic transient forms;
    and, 3) the implementation of 2+2 degree audits. In order for us to implement these
    functions in a consistent fashion, we are asking that you give priority to the requests
    listed below in an effort to implement them by the end of February 2003.
    PIN Function
    A recent analysis of unsuccessful transactions indicates that a large number of errors
    are occurring during the logon/pin process at the institutions. Students forget their PIN
    numbers or are entering the wrong information. A multitude of problems could be
    occurring, but when this happens students are not getting adequate information from
    the institutions PIN Help Page. As a result, over 80 percent of the inquiries to the
    FACTS Help Desk are regarding problems students are having with their PIN.
    Consequently, FCAAS is requiring that each institution include on their PIN Help Page
    the basic PIN information provided in the attached document. If an institution does not
    have a PIN Help Page on their web site, then we are asking that you develop one. The
    basic information (i.e. the PIN template) does not require you to present the information
    in a standard form, it does however, require that you include the list of information items
    presented. By providing the information listed in the attached document, the majority of
    students’ pin questions can be answered quickly and accurately online, saving the
    student frustration and the Center considerable effort in responding to inquiries.
    Florida Center for Advising & Academic Support
    Executive Office
    . 325 West Gaines Street . Suite 1414. Tallahassee, Florida 32399 . P(850) 201-7363 . F(850) 201-7322
    Operations Office
    . 4202 East Fowler Avenue . Suite AOC200 . Tampa, Florida 33620 . P(813) 974-6346 . F(813) 974-4205
    A colla borative project from the Florida Department of Education

    Page Two
    FACTS Critical Functions
    January 23, 2003
    Transient Form
    The Electronic Transient Form provides an electronic workflow process and form, which
    facilitates the enrollment of a student in a course at an institution other than their home
    institution. Several institutions are implementing the Transient Form and will soon be
    able to send the electronic forms. However, in order for the process to be successfully
    implemented the institution(s) to which they are sending the form, must be able to
    receive it electronically. It is especially important for community colleges to be able to
    receive the forms being sent from the universities. The process that allows an
    institution to receive a transient form can be implemented with minimal effort. The
    implementation can be handled via a conference call with the Center walking a
    designated institutional representative through the steps. Institutions would need to
    assign a designated person to receive the form electronically. That person would be
    required to periodically check the FACTS system to see if transient forms have been
    received. The forms can then be processed as desired at your school. Someone from
    our help desk will be contacting you to set up an appointment with the appropriate
    person to assist with this implementation.
    2+2 Articulated Audit
    Implementation of the 2+2 Articulated Audit function has been extended from the Phase
    IV MOU to the Phase V MOU due to extensive changes in the format. The function is
    now ready for institutional testing. As we move into the legislative session, FCAAS has
    been asked to prepare a timeline for institutional implementation of this function. When
    we contact you regarding the transient form, please be ready to share your
    implementation plans for the Articulated Audit function with FCAAS. We will need an
    estimated date to begin testing and a projected production date. If you already have
    that information, please forward it as soon as possible to
    In summary, regardless of your institution’s phase of completion, we are asking that you
    attempt to complete the above functions by February 28, 2003. If you have any
    questions, or FCAAS can be of assistance with moving your institution forward
    regarding these issues, please contact our help desk at 813-974-2118 (Suncom 574) or
    email us at
    Thank you for your continued support of FACTS.
    Community College Vice Presidents of Student Affairs
    State University System Academic Contacts

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