January 6, 2003
Florida’s Educational Service Providers
Mary Laura Openshaw, Director
Just Read, Florida!
Application for
Reading First
Professional Developers
We need your assistance to identify
175 highly qualified professionals to be
Reading First
Professional Developers. These professionals will be provided with one week, all-expenses paid, of intense
instruction that will prepare them to conduct summer academies for teachers from
Reading First
Being selected as a regional professional developer is an honor. It is also a commitment of expertise and
time. The attached application package details the qualifications and the time commitment.
This application process is the second step of our biggest undertaking to provide high quality professional
development to every K-3 teacher in
Reading First
schools. We will complete the first step this month when
we announce 30 CORE professional developers on January 17, 2003.
The statewide professional development is set up in tiers. The first tier of professional developers consists of
30 CORE professional developers. This application is for the second tier of approximately 175 developers
who are located regionally and locally. All of these developers will ultimately conduct professional
development for all K-3 Florida teachers.
30 CORE Professional Developers
(Announced mid-January, 2003)
175 Regional Professional Developers
(Announced early February 2003)
Reading First
(District awards announced in March; Academies held summer
Memo to Florida’s Educational Service Providers
January 6, 2003
Page 2
Please note that since
Reading First
is a six-year grant and since we plan to offer Academies each
summer, candidates may, if willing, serve as a regional professional developers throughout the entire
grant period. At this point, we are asking for commitment for the summer of 2003 only. It should
also be noted that, although our intent is for the regional developers to serve in their school district
or in close proximity, there may be occasions when the regional professional developer would, based
on need in another part of the state, be asked to travel to that Academy site. The Department would
reimburse for all travel expenses should the need arise. Additionally, a stipend of $300 per day will
be paid to
Reading First
Professional Developers who are not on contract with their school
district/agency at the time of their training role at the summer Academies.
We believe that professional development must be the first priority of every
Reading First
We cannot afford to leave any child behind, and having a whole-state effort is the only way to
accomplish that goal. I am asking you to carefully consider this request to nominate your most
highly qualified staff members and to support this initiative by making this professional
development a priority. Having
Reading First
professional developers on your staff will distinguish
your organization from others in the state. I know that the statewide professional development
initiative will not be sufficient for all teachers and schools. Many will need additional assistance as
they encounter challenges, and this is when your staff will be invaluable to them.
Please contact Barbara Elzie with any questions that you may have. She can be reached at
850.921.9969 or barbara.elzie@FLDOE.org. I look forward to our continued relationship to
improve Florida schools. Thank you, and Just Read, Florida!
Attachment: Application for
Reading First
Regional Developers
Secretary Jim Horne
John Winn
Larry Wood
Betty Coxe
Carl Blackwell
David Armstrong
Florida School Districts
Reading First District Contacts
Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services
Bureau of Safe Schools and School Support
Bureau of Improving Academic Standards and School Performance
Bureau of Professional Development
Area Centers for Educational Enhancement
Project Central
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System
Florida Inclusion Network
Institute for Small and Rural Districts
CSPD/Professional Development Partnerships
Title I Regional Coordinators
Florida League of Teachers and National Board Certified teachers
Regional Consortia (PAEC, NEFEC, Heartland)
Deans of Education at Universities and Colleges/Community College Presidents
Florida Learning Alliance
Florida Education Association
Florida Association of District School Superintendents