1. Nominee Information
          1. Title   Ms Mr  Dr Name        
          2. Employed           
          3. Position      

Dear Superintendent,

We are requesting nominations for persons from your district to serve on a committee of school and district technology and curriculum experts who will provide input to the department on all aspects of digital learning. The input provided by this group will be used to improve the quality and efficiency of the digital learning program.

Committee members may include district and/or school personnel who have experience in digital learning, curriculum adoption or in the technical operations of a school or district infrastructure. These individuals should be motivated and willing to work with the department and with others in their districts on digital learning issues. Their tasks will include evaluating district and school readiness initiatives and reviewing checklists and procedural documents; members may also be asked to pilot various tests in their districts or schools.

Members will serve for the 2013-14 school year, and will be asked to participate in a monthly conference call/webex, respond to FDOE questions and review proposed documentation via email.
Please limit your nominations to two people (one technology-based nominee and one curriculum-based nominee) from your district. This group will be limited to 15 members each year. Nominations are due by November 18, 2013. If you have any questions, please contact DigitalLearning@fldoe.org .  

Nominee Information


MsMr DrName        



Position Level  District  School Other      
School/District/Business Name      
School/District/Business Department       
School/District/Business Address       
Phone        Preferred Email Address       
Area of Expertise
Assessment Administration Instructional Technology/Hardware Curriculum
Management Information Services/Infrastructure     Other      
Did the nominee participate in completing the Technology Readiness Inventory (Fall 2013 or past years)? (not required)     Yes   No     District did not participate
Please provide comments on why this nominee should serve on the Digital Learning Advisory Committee:   



Nominated by:
        Title         Phone         

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Email completed form to DigitalLearning@fldoe.org   by November 18, 2013.