Request for Proposal (RFP) for Discretionary, Competitive Projects
Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction
Program Name
Title II-A, Higher Education Agency Partnerships Florida Teacher Quality Grants Program
Specific Funding Authority(ies)
CFDA: 84.367B, No Child Left Behind, Title II-A, Subpart 3
Funding Purpose/Priorities
The purpose of awards granted under the Florida Teacher Quality Grants Program is to assist teachers
in gaining access to professional development, teacher preparation programs, or postsecondary
education in the areas of Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History based on course descriptions driven by
the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS).
The priorities are:
a description of the professional development that is researched-based and of high quality;
a description of rigorous content that is specific to the NGSSS with content-specific pedagogical
a description of professional development activities and effective strategies to help teachers promote
learning for historically underserved and underrepresented populations.
Target Population(s)
9-12 teachers (in the areas of Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History) in a high need Local Education Agency
(LEA) (See Attachment A) in partnership with an Institute of Higher Education (IHE). Teachers in other
LEAs who are teaching in low-performing schools may also participate.
Eligible Applicant(s)
An eligible partnership is
A private or state IHE and the division of the institution that delivers a state-approved teacher
preparation program pursuant to 1004.04, F. S.
The College of Arts and Sciences of the above IHE
A high need LEA, as defined by Federal regulations, has over 20% or 10,000 in poverty status, based
on the most recent census data. (See Attachment A for qualified districts.)
In addition, an eligible partnership
also include:
An educational service agency such as a consortium of school districts
Another LEA
An educational service agency
Another IHE through its College of Arts and Sciences and College or School of Education teacher
A nonprofit cultural organization
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collaborate and submit one application.
SPECIAL RULE - No single participant in an
eligible partnership may use more than 50 percent of the funds made available to the partnership
under this section.
Letters of commitment with original signatures from all partners must be included with the application, but
are not counted toward the page limit and do not impact the score. (See Attachment B for checklist.)
Application Due Date
September 5, 2011
The due date refers to the date of receipt in Grants Management. Facsimile and e-mail submissions are not
Total Funding Amount/Approximate Number of Awards
$3,000,000/approximate award amount - $500,000 (two awards per subject area)
An Institution of Higher Education (IHE) or a high need Local Education Agency (LEA) will be the fiscal
agent for each awarded project. The projects will be funded for three consecutive cycles pending additional
funding from the Specific Funding Authority and satisfactory performance by the partnerships as evaluated
by the Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction (BCI) in the Florida Department of Education (DOE). Funded
projects are required to respond to Requests for Applications (RFAs) at a later date for cycles two and
Matching Requirement
Budget/Program Performance Period
September 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 – Cycle One
The project effective date will be the date that the application is received within Florida Department of
Education (DOE) in Substantially Approvable Form, or the effective date of the Federal Award Notification,
whichever is later.
Contact Persons
Program Office Contact
Grants Management Contact
Courtney Walker
Sue Wilkinson
Contracts and Grants Manager, BCI Director, Units A and B
(850) 245-0423
(850) 245-0496
The Florida Department of Education developed and implemented a document entitled General Terms,
Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply with:
34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR)
which requires Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to submit a common assurance for
participation in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE);
Applicable regulations of other Federal agencies; and
State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds.
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In order to receive funding, applicants must have on file with the Florida Department of Education, Office
of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to these
General Assurances for Participation in State or Federal Programs. The complete text may be found at:
School Districts, Community Colleges, Universities, and State Agencies
The certification of adherence, currently on file with the Department of Education Comptroller’s Office,
shall remain in effect indefinitely. The certification does not need to be resubmitted with this application,
unless a change occurs in federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a
term, assurance, or condition.
Private Colleges, Community-Based Organizations, and Other Agencies
In order to complete requirements for funding, applicants must certify adherence to the General Terms,
Assurances, and Conditions by submitting the certification of adherence page, signed by the agency
Private colleges, Community and Faith-Based Organizations, and other non-public agencies
must also submit:
(1) A copy of the organization’s current budget,
(2) A list of the board of directors, and if available,
(3) A copy of the institution or agency’s most recent annual audit report prepared by an independent
Certified Public Accountant licensed in this state
. [These items must be submitted, with the application,
prior to the issuance of a project award.]
Narrative Components and
Scoring Criteria
describe what the applicant is to include in each Narrative Component.
Following the
within each Narrative Component, are
These are the
bulleted, italicized statements used by proposal reviewers to assess and score each
Narrative Component.
- The standard scoring
are based on a 100 point scale, with a minimum score
of 70 points required for an application to be considered eligible for funding.
The applicant must provide a detailed project narrative and budget narrative for cycle
one of the Florida Teacher Quality Grants Program which is September 1, 2011 – June
30, 2012.
In each section of the proposal, the application must reflect collaboration among the high
need LEA, the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, and Colleges of Education within the IHE.
The applicant must provide, in Narrative Component 3: Design and Implementation, a
brief description of the project design and implementation plan for consecutive cycles
two and three. Additional details for consecutive cycles two and three are located in the
section Other Requirements (page 10) and Attachment C.
Project Abstract or Summary
Provide a brief summary of the proposed project including general purpose, specific
goals, brief program design, and significance (contribution and rationale) that demonstrate
the proposed project’s plan to:
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Supplement efforts of high need LEAs and IHEs in the preparation and ongoing
professional development of qualified and effective core subject area teachers; in each
section of the proposal, the application must reflect collaboration among the LEAs, the
Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Colleges of Education within the IHE.
Support sustained and intensive high-quality projects to improve teacher content
knowledge and teaching skills in the course requirements based on the NGSSS in
Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History.
Address the unique characteristics of the population to be served. Where applicable,
each proposal should address the goal statements in terms of the target population
served: 9-12 educators.
The proposed project is described in a brief summary, including general purpose,
specific goals, brief program design, and significance (contribution and rationale).
It is clear that the proposed project aligns with the intended Funding
2. Project N
Describe the need for the proposed project and provide supporting data as evidence.
The magnitude or severity of the problem is evident, compelling, and clearly linked to
the outcome(s) of the proposed project.
The magnitude of the need for the services to be provided or the activities to be
carried out is apparent.
The proposed project focuses on service or otherwise addresses the identified needs
of the targeted population(s).
It is evident that the proposed project is focused on those with greatest needs.
Gaps or weaknesses in services are explained, including the nature and magnitude
of the gaps and/or weaknesses.
The need for the proposed project is strongly justified through supportive data.
Target areas of Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History are of greatest need for
professional development statewide in the Next Generation Sunshine State
e focus must be increasing content knowledge in the aforementioned courses.
Project Design and Implementation _40__points
Describe the measurable objectives, activities, and timeline for the proposed project for
cycle one. Provide a brief description of the project design and implementation plan for
consecutive cycles two and three.
Goal 1
: All funded projects must follow an intensive and sustained instructional format that
focuses on the learning and teaching of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
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course requirements concepts using an activity-based, problem-solving approach and
ensures data-driven instruction.
Describe how teacher participants will gain knowledge and skills related to the assessed
needs and will be better prepared to assist their students in the Next Generation Sunshine
State Standards course requirements to meet state content and student performance
standards. This may include project development to design and implement projects in
cycle one, such as:
on-site content courses or on-line content college courses based on the State Board
adopted course requirements for Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History;
collaborative partnerships with the IHE’s College of Education and College of Arts and
Sciences and LEA curriculum specialists and/or teacher leaders to provide professional
development, teacher preparation programs, and postsecondary education to assist
teachers in their knowledge and instruction of the NGSSS in Geometry, Biology, and
U.S. History;
experiences, books and materials to increase teachers’ knowledge and their likelihood
to adapt their teaching practices in these courses.
The purposes for all books, materials, travel, supplies, equipment, consultants, stipends,
tuition and academic credit must be included in the narrative of the Project Design and
Implementation section.
Goal 2
: All professional development and technical assistance must be grounded in
scientifically-based-research to increase student achievement.
Describe how the project will:
Build capacity for core subject matter content based on the Competencies and Skills for
Teacher Certification and on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards course
Provide research-based professional practices in the core subject areas;
Improve and increase teacher content knowledge and teaching skills in the NGSSS-
driven course requirements for Geometry, Biology, and U.S. History.
Projects are encouraged to incorporate one or more of the following effective, research-
based approaches, best practices and components:
lesson study,
response to intervention,
differentiated instruction,
content-specific literacy,
reading components with informational
text and text complexity, and
digital tools and content.
The goals, objectives, and outcomes are clearly specified and measurable.
The design of the proposed project aligns with, and will successfully address, the
needs of the target population or other identified needs.
The objectives are measurable, qualitative, challenging, yet achievable, and address
all expected outcomes of the proposed project.
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It is evident that activities/methods are comprehensive, likely to be effective, and
result in achievement of the objectives.
The methodology reflects up-to-date knowledge from research and best practices.
The timelines are specific, realistic, and consistent with measurable objectives and
The applicant has provided a brief description of the design and implementation plan
for consecutive cycles two and three.
Describe the instruments and method(s) and qualitative and quantitative strategies that will
be used to measure the accomplishments of project goals and objectives, including impact
on student achievement.
All data collected during these efforts should be treated appropriately under the laws
protecting student privacy (FERPA).
The evaluation plan should include a method for measuring and documenting growth in
content knowledge.
The purpose of evaluating Florida Teacher Quality Grants projects is to determine, through
analysis, the extent to which the project influences changes in classroom teachers’ content
knowledge and instructional practices in the course requirements based on NGSSS in
Geometry, Biology, and U. S. History. The goal is improved student achievement through
educator professional development in Geometry, Biology, and U. S. History.
The evaluation narrative will include:
Qualitative and quantitative data, and analysis of the same;
Input/feedback from participants;
Student achievement data, whenever possible;
Tool(s) for evaluating activities (surveys, instruments, etc.)
The methods are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and
outcomes of the proposed project.
The evaluation methods provide for examining the effectiveness of project
implementation strategies and are appropriate to the context within which the project
The methods include the use of objective performance measures that clearly relate to
the intended outcomes of the proposed project and will produce quantitative and
qualitative data.
The methods are likely to produce timely guidance for quality assurance.
The evaluation process is comprehensive, likely to result in a successful project, and
includes an effective approach for using evaluation results to guide necessary
adjustments to the proposed project.
The evaluation instruments are designed to effectively measure program progress
and success.
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Support for Strategic Plan
Incorporate one or more of the Areas of Focus included in Florida’s Next Generation PreK-20
Education Strategic Plan.
URL: http://www.fldoe.org/Strategic_Plan/pdfs/StrategicPlanApproved.pdf
Describe how the proposed project will address the reading and math/science initiatives
of the Department of Education.
Just Read Florida
URL: http://www.justreadflorida.com/
Math/Science Initiative
URL: http://www.fldoe.org/bii/oms.asp
The applicant has included effective methods for incorporating one or more of the
Areas of Focus from Florida’s Next Generation PreK-20 Education Strategic Plan.
The proposed project utilizes a comprehensive plan for integrating pertinent aspects
of the Just Read, Florida and the math/science initiatives.
Dissemination Plan
Describe the methods / strategies to disseminate and share information about the proposed
project to appropriate populations.
The project must maintain a project webpage. A copy of the partnership’s proposal will be
included on the page. A section of the webpage must be devoted to reporting ongoing
progress in meeting the proposal goals. It must include all scheduled services and link to
products produced by the project. The webpage shall be updated at least once a month
during the project period, and the date of the latest update will be displayed on the page.
The webpage must be posted within one month of notification of award. Describe the plan to
create and maintain this site
The applicant’s dissemination plan will use effective and realistic means to reach the
appropriate audiences, including the target population(s), the local community, and other
organized entities, if/when indicated.
The methods or strategies used to share services provided by the proposed project are
The dissemination plan reflects a thorough grasp of the proposed project and the
positive impact on the targeted population(s).
7. Budget
Present a budget that reflects objectives and proposed costs of the project.
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collaborate and submit one application.
SPECIAL RULE - No single
participant in an eligible partnership may
use more than 50 percent of the funds made
available to the partnership under this section.
The budget is thorough, specific, and supports the proposed project.
The proposed project budget presents expenses that are allowable, realistic,
accurate, and clearly relate to and reflect project activities, objectives, and outcomes.
The costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives, design, and potential
significance of the proposed project.
The costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to
the anticipated results and benefits.
The required personnel, professional and technical services, and/or travel for the
proposed project are clearly and adequately explained.
The justifications for expenditures are reasonable and clearly explained.
Funding Method(s)
CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System –
Web-Based Reporting
required monthly to record expenditures.
Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to a
recipient for disbursements. For federally funded projects, requests for federal cash advance must
be made on the CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System. If at times it is
determined that disbursements are going to exceed the amount of cash on hand plus cash in
transit, an on-line amendment can be made prior to the due date of the next Federal Cash
Advance distribution on the CARDS System.
Reimbursement with Performance (P)
Payment is rendered upon submission of documented allowable disbursements, plus
documentation of completion of specified performance objectives.
Fiscal Requirements
Supporting documentation for expenditures is required for all funding methods. Examples of
such documentation include but are not limited to: payroll records, contracts, invoices with
check numbers verifying payment, and/or bank statements; all or any of which must be
available upon reques
Funded projects and any amendments are subject to the procedures outlined in the Project
Application and Amendment Procedures for Federal and State Programs (Green Book) and the
General Assurances for Participation in Federal and State Programs.
URL: http://www.fldoe.org/comptroller/gbook.asp.
The project award notification (DOE 200) will indicate:
Project budget
Program periods
Last date for receipt of proposed budget
Program amendments
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Incurring expenditures and issuing purchase orders
Liquidating a
ll obligations
Submitting final disbursement reports.
Project recipients do not have the authority to report expenditures before or after these
specified dates.
Allowable Expenses
: Project funds must be used for activities that directly support the
accomplishment of the project purpose, priorities, and expected outcomes. All expenditures
must be consistent with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and guidance.
for capital outlay may not exceed 1% of the total budget
Unallowable Expenses:
Project funds may not be used to supplant existing programs and/or
funding. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) such as cell phones and blackberries can no longer be
purchased with project funds, including the costs to support such devices.
Administrative Costs including Indirect Costs:
For Federally funded projects, indirect costs
are capped at 5% or the applicant’s approved negotiated rate (whichever’s less).
Grants Fiscal Management Training Requirement
Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs), and other private
not-for-profit organizations that are recipients or sub-recipients of DOE grants are required to
participate, annually, in Grants Fiscal Management Training offered by the DOE. Failure to
obtain the training can have a negative impact on the ability of the Florida Department of
Education to provide future funding to the organization.
Project Performance Accountability and Reporting Requirements
The Department’s program managers will track each project’s performance based on the
information provided in the Performance Expectation section, pages
Applicants, if
awarded, will be required to submit an interim and final report including the Florida Teacher
Quality Grant Final Year Grant Report form for each cycle of the grant period.
Notice of Intent-to-Apply
The due date to notify the Program contact person,
Courtney Walker
, of Intent-to-Apply is
August 22, 2011.
This notification is sent as an e-mail or fax message and should include a return e-mail
address. Providing the Intent-to-Apply is not required for an application to be considered, but
assists the applicant by assuring receipt of answers to Frequently Asked Questions and
competition updates. Conversely, eligible organizations which file Intent-to-Apply are not
required to submit an application.
Method of Answering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or Providing Changes
All Frequently Asked Questions will be posted on the Program Office website at
http://www.fldoe.org/bii/curriculum/ by close of business August 26, 2011
The last day to
submit questions is August 24, 2011.
Method of Review
A peer review process will be used to evaluate the Florida Teacher Quality Grant competitive
proposals. Reviewers are selected within the Department to reflect a balance of backgrounds,
experience, race, ethnicities, and geographic locations within Florida.
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Project proposals are screened by DOE program staff to ensure that federal regulations and
state requirements (as conditions for acceptance) in the RFP are addressed (see next section
for conditions).
Proposals that meet all state and federal requirements are evaluated and scored according to
the following process:
Each proposal meeting the conditions for acceptance is reviewed and scored by three to
five qualified reviewers representing experienced curriculum specialists and educational
professionals and stakeholders from Florida and, when applicable, around the country.
The Program Office ranks the proposals in order from highest to lowest score.
DOE staff will review recommended proposals for compliance with the programmatic and
fiscal policies of the project.
Awards are subject to the availability of funds.
Proposals with a final score of less than 70 are not eligible for funding consideration.
Conditions for Acceptance/Substantially Approvable Form
The requirements listed below
be met for applications to be considered in Substantially
Approvable form and thus eligible for review:
Application is received within DOE no later than the close of business (Eastern Standard
Time) on the
September 5, 2011
Application includes required forms:
DOE 100A Application Form bearing the original signature of the Superintendent for
the school district or the agency head for other agencies.
NOTE: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head
have a letter signed by the agency head or documentation citing action
of the governing body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of
said official.
DOE 101S - Budget Narrative.
Submission of the signed certification signifying compliance with the “General
Assurances for Participation in Federal and State Programs,” (if not already on file in the
DOE Comptroller’s Office).
Other Requirements
collaborate and submit one application.
SPECIAL RULE - No single
participant in an eligible partnership may
use more than 50 percent of the funds made
available to the partnership under this section.
Letters of commitment with original signatures from all partners must be included with the
application, but are not counted toward the page limit and do not impact the score.
An Institution of Higher Education (IHE) or a high need Local Education Agency (LEA) will be the
fiscal agent for each awarded project. The projects will be funded for three consecutive cycles
pending additional funding from the Specific Funding Authority and satisfactory performance by the
partnerships as evaluated by the Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction in the Florida Department of
Education (DOE). Funded projects are required to respond to Requests for Applications (RFAs) at
a later date for cycles two and three.
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For Federal Programs
General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)
In accordance with the requirements of Section 427 of the GEPA Public Law 103-382, a current
fiscal year General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) plan is required. The applicant
, with this application, a one page summary description of the plan proposed by the District
or other entity to ensure equitable access to, and participation of students, teachers, and other
program beneficiaries with special needs.
For details, refer to URL: http://www.ed.gov/fund/grant/apply/appforms/gepa427.pdf
Equitable Services for Private School Participation
In accordance with P.L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions,
Subpart 1, Section 9501, the applicant
must submit
a detailed plan of action for providing
consultation for equitable services to private school children and teachers within the Local
Education Agency(ies) service area.
For details, refer to URL: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg111.html
Technical/Formatting and Other Application Submission Requirements
Number of copies plus original: one signed original and six copies (to be sent to Office of
Grants Management)
Font Type / Size:
Arial 12 point
Margin size:
1” – both side and top / bottom margins
Double Spacing
No Bound Copies
Any charts and graphs must conform to Arial 12 point and count towards the 20 page limit
Assemble in order of the application checklist Attachment B
20 page limit – this does
Required forms – DOE 100A and DOE 101S
Signed letters of commitment with original signatures from all partners
Application must be submitted to:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Room 332
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
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Project Performance Accountability
The Florida Department of Education has a standardized process for preparing proposals/applications for discretionary funds. This
section of the RFP, Project Performance Accountability, is to assure proper accountability in the use of federal and state funds.
Using the following forms and instructions, applicants are to select Project Performance data for each proposed project. If funded,
the data is entered into the DOE web-based Grants Management System; data entry continues through the life of the grant. The
Department’s program managers will track each project’s performance based on the information provided.
This information will:
Provide a centralized capability for retrieving information about various discretionary projects awarded by the Department.
Assist policy-makers and managers in monitoring discretionary funds and the impact they are having.
Provide baseline information that can be used in assessing the alignment of funding to goals and strategic imperatives and in
allocating available funding to priority needs.
Facilitate effective project monitoring.
Types of project performance have been organized into four categories. These are:
Category Includes: Documents such as manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and
any other tangible product to be developed by the project.
Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination:
Category Includes: All training and technical assistance (TA) activities
whether provided onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies.
Student Performance:
Category Includes: Any measure that is specific to student performance (e.g., test scores, attendance,
behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. “Students” may include pre-k, K-12, and adult learners as well as parents.
Service Delivery:
Category Includes: Delivery of intended services to target population (e.g., adult literacy services, child find
services, student evaluation services, etc.)
For each type of performance for which a project will be held accountable, the applicant must complete the information specified in
the attached forms. Use only those forms and types of performance applicable to the project. Instructions are provided for the
completion of each form.
Selected projects are required to obtain independent, formal, third-party evaluations. Other projects elect to obtain such evaluations.
If the proposal or application includes a required or optional third-party evaluation, a form and instructions for describing the proposal
evaluation are provided.
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Deliverables: Manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and any other tangible
product to be developed by the project.
For each deliverable in the proposed project, enter in Column (1), the name of the deliverable and a brief description. Use only the following
list to identify each deliverable. Indicate the purpose of the deliverable, the target audience, and the type of content to be provided in the
deliverable. For example, “Brochure for parents of retained students explaining options for assistance.” Include any required reports in this
(1) Name of Deliverable and Brief Description
CD Rom
Database Analysis
Evaluation Instrument
Instructional Materials
Lesson Plans
Needs Assessment
Policy Paper
Public Service Announcement
Report Format
Screening Device
Teacher’s Guides
Technical Assistance Paper
Training Materials – Handout
Training Materials – Presentation
Training Modules - Online
For each deliverable identified in Column (1), specify all of the proposed standards that should be used to determine whether the deliverable
meets the expectations for the project. The standards should be selected from the following list and any additional detail appropriate to each
standard should be provided. For example, if one of the standards is “Meets technical specifications,” the descriptions should outline the
proposed technical standards.
(2) Standard(s) for Acceptance
ADA Compliant
Appropriate for Duplication
Appropriately Organized
Content Accurate
Content Complete
Design and Content Appropriate to
Intended Audience
Format Consistent with Content and
Intended Audience
Grammatically Correct
Includes Copyright and Funding
Meets technical specifications
Peer Review
Readability Level is Appropriate to
Review by DOE Staff
Review by Other Entity
Sufficient Copies Provided
Translated into Appropriate Languages
(3) In the third column, provide the date when the deliverable will be complete
. If applicable, include interim dates for drafts, review, etc.
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(Examples: Manuals, reports, videos, CD ROMs, training materials, brochures, and any other tangible
product to be developed by the project.)
(1) Name of Deliverable and Brief Description
(2) Standard(s) for Acceptance
(3) Due Date(s)
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Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination: All training and technical assistance (TA) activities whether provided
onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies
For each training, technical assistance or dissemination activity to be completed by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the activity
and provide a brief description. The name should be identified from the following list. The description should indicate the purpose of the activity,
including the target audience and should indicate the type of content to be provided. For example, “Training for third grade teachers of reading in
use of multiple instructional strategies.”
(1) Name of Activity and Brief Description
Coursework at Institutions of Higher
Dissemination though the Media
Dissemination Through Internet
Distance Learning
Distribution of Media (Software, Videos,
CD ROMs, etc.)Distribution of Printed
Follow-up to Training Activities
In-service Training
One-On-One Training
On-Site Technical Assistance
Pre-service Training
Telephone Technical Assistance
For each activity identified in Column (1), specify all of the proposed standards that will be used to determine whether the activity meets the
expectations for the project. Select the standards from the following list and provide any additional detail appropriate to each standard.
example, if one of the standards is “Participant Feedback Indicative of Usefulness,” the descriptions should outline how participant feedback will
be gathered and assessed.
(2) Quantity and Quality Standards for Acceptance
ppropriately Organized
Content Accurate
Content Complete
Delivery Appropriate to Content and
Design and Content Appropriate to
Intended Audience
Use of Consultants
Follow-up Data Indicative of Effectiveness
Format Consistent with Content and
Intended Audience
Grammatically Correct
Meets Technical Specifications
Participant Feedback Indicative of
Provide in Column (3), the information/materials which will be provided (or otherwise available) to document the performance of the project.
(3) Method of Documentation
Analysis of Requests and Responses
Anecdotal Data
Evaluation Summaries
List of Participants
NRS Report
Observation by DOE Staff
Participant Competency Evaluations
Participant Feedback Summaries
Peer Review
Purchase Orders
Travel Itineraries
Verification of Dissemination to Target
In the fourth column provide the critical timelines for completion of each activity
(taking into
consideration announcements of training
availability, delivery of training, completion of follow-up, etc.).
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All training and technical assistance (TA) activities whether
provided onsite, through distance learning media, conferences, workshops, or other delivery strategies.)
(1) Name of Activity and Brief
(2) Quantity and Quality
Standards for Acceptance
(3) Method of Documentation
(4) Critical
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STUDENT PERFORMANCE: Any measure that is specific to student performance; e.g., test scores, attendance, behavior,
award of diplomas, certificates, etc. Students may include pre-k, K-12, and adult learners
For each type of student performance to be impacted by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the performance from the following list
and provide a brief description. The
description should describe the student population and provide detail about the expected
performance. For example, “Academic Achievement – Reading: Low-performing 3
grade students in Smith Elementary School will increase b
1 level on the FCAT .”
(1) Name of Performance and Brief Description
cademic Achievement – Language Arts
Academic Achievement – Math
Academic Achievement – Reading
Academic Achievement – Science
Academic Achievement – Social Studies
Academic Achievement – Writing
Achievement – Arts
Achievement – Other
Achievement – Vocational Education
Award of Certificate
Career Advancement Retention
Decrease in Disciplinary Actions
Decrease in Drop-out Rate
Decrease in Suspensions/Expulsions
High School Credential
Job Placement
Job Retention
Improvement in Behavior
Increased Self-Sufficiency Through Use
of Technology
Literacy Completion Points
Non-Traditional Enrollments
Occupational Completion Points
Parental Involvement in Education of
Dependent Children
Parental Involvement in Literacy Activities
of Dependent Children
Participation in Assessment
Participation in Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE)
Placements, Retention, Completions
(postsecondary JOBS)
Postsecondary Education Placement
Postsecondary Education Completion
Program Completion
Promotion to Next Grade
Satisfactory Completion of Coursework
Secondary Credential
State-Adopted Assessment
Workplace Readiness Completion
For each student identified in Column (1), specify all of the proposed standards from the following list that should be used to determine
whether the performance meets the expectations for the project. Any additional detail appropriate to each standard should be provided. For
example, if one of the standards is “Graduation Data,” the description should outline how the data will be gathered and what level of graduation
rate is expected.
(2) Method of Evaluating Performance
necdotal Data
AYP Determination
Disciplinary Referrals
GED Data
Graduation Data
Participation Records
Placement Data
Progress Monitoring
Promotion Data
School Grades
Standardized Tests
Suspension/Expulsion Data
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
Provide in Column 3, the information/materials which will be provided (or otherwise available) to document the performance of the project.
(3) Method of DOE Verification
Analysis of Requests and Responses
Anecdotal Data
Evaluation Summaries
List of Participants
NRS Report
Observation by DOE Staff
Participant Competency Evaluations
Participant Feedback Summaries
Peer Review
Purchase Orders
Travel Itineraries
Verification of Dissemination to Target
In the fourth column, provide the critical timelines for completion of each activity taking into consideration announcements of training
availability, delivery of training, completion of follow-up, etc.
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
STUDENT PERFORMANCE FORM (Any measure that is specific to student performance; e.g., test scores, attendance,
behavior, award of diplomas, certificates, etc. Students may include pre-k, K-12, and adult learners.)
(1) Name of Performance and Brief
(2) Method of Evaluating Performance
(3) Method of DOE Verification
(4) Timelines for
Data Collection
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
SERVICE DELIVERY: Delivery of intended services to target population; e.g., adult literacy services, child find services,
student evaluation services, etc.
For each type of service to be delivered by the project, enter in Column (1), the name of the performance from the following list and provide a
brief description. Describe the service and provide detailed information about the nature of the service to be delivered.
For example,
“Mentoring—The project will provide trained adult mentors to work at least once per week with elementary students who have scored Level I or II
on the FCAT in reading or math.”
(1) Name of Service and Brief Description
dult Literacy Activities
Career, Technical Education
Interagency Collaboration
Neighborhood Self-Sufficiency Through
Participation in Defined Program (e.g.,
Referrals for Other Services
Statewide Leadership Activities
Student Evaluation/Assessment
For each service identified in Column (1), specify from the following list all of the proposed standards that will determine whether the
performance meets the expectations for the project. Any additional detail appropriate to each standard should be provided. For example, if one
of the standards is “Mentoring is appropriate to identified needs,” the description should specify of the identified needs and indicate of how the
project will determine that mentoring is appropriate.”
(2) Standard(s) for Acceptance
Mentoring Is Appropriate to Identified
Participation Rate Meets Established
Quality of Service Meets Generally
Accepted Guidelines
Quantity of Evaluations/Assessments
Meet Established Minimums Quantity of
Mentoring Meets Established Minimums
Quantity of Service Meets Established
Referrals Are Appropriate to Identified
Specified Agencies Collaborate
Students Evaluations/Assessments Are
Administered Appropriately
Units of Service Meet Established
Provide in Column (3), the information/materials which will be provided (or otherwise available) to document the performance of the project.
(3) Method of DOE Verification
Anecdotal Data
Attendance Records
Case Records
List of Participants
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Observation by DOE Staff
Participant Feedback Summaries
Purchase Orders
State-Approved Assessments
Travel Itineraries
Provide in Column (4), the critical timelines for service delivery including initiation and termination dates, for example.
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
SERVICE DELIVERY FORM (Delivery of intended services to target population; e.g., adult literacy services, child find
services, student evaluation services, etc.)
(1) Name of Service and Brief
(2) Standard(s) for Acceptance
(3) Method of DOE Verification
(4) Timeline for
Service Delivery
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
FORMAL THIRD-PARTY EVALUATION: A formal evaluation conducted by a party not employed by the fiscal agent either
under contract with the project recipient or under the auspices of the DOE
If a formal third-party evaluation is required or proposed for this project the following information must be provided.
In column (1), specify the scope of the evaluation using one or more of the descriptors provided below. Provide additional information
regarding the nature of the evaluation. For example, if the evaluation will cover only selected elements of the project, specify the elements to be
(1) Scope of Evaluation and Brief Description
ll Aspects of Project
Compliance Review
Formative Evaluation
Outcome Assessment
Process Review
Selected Elements of Project
Summative Evaluation
In column (2) indicate the type of entity from the following list which will be conducting the third-party evaluation. Provide any additional
information which may be available about the entity to conduct the evaluation such as selection criteria or qualifications.
(2) Type of Entity Conducting Evaluation
Board/Commission/Task Force
Consultant Firm
DOE Funded Project
Governmental Agency
Independent Entity Selected by Project
Individual Consultant
Institution of Higher Education
Selected Peer Reviewers
Provide in Column (3), the date(s) when the evaluation will be conducted including the date for completion of reports.
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
(3) Date(s) Evaluation
(1) Scope of Evaluation and Brief Description
Type of Entity Conducting Evaluation
to Be Conducted
FORMAL THIRD-PARTY EVALUATION FORM (A formal evaluation conducted by a party not employed by the fiscal agent
either under contract with the project recipient or under the auspices of the DOE.)
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
Attachment A
Federal regulations define a high-need LEA as having over 20% or 10,000 in poverty status, based on
the most recent census data.
Florida School Districts that qualify as a high-need LEA as defined by Federal regulations:
Palm Beach
St. Lucie
Source: Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (2009), U. S. Census Bureau,
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
Attachment B
Please assemble application in the following order:
_____ DOE 100A
_____ DOE 101S followed by the detailed budget narrative
_____ Narrative components
See pages 11 for technical/formatting requirements
Narrative must follow the order of the components (see pages 4 – 9)
_____ Letters of commitment with original signatures from
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
Attachment C
Information for Consecutive Cycles Two and Three
An Institution of Higher Education (IHE) or a high need Local Education Agency (LEA) will be
the fiscal agent for each awarded project. The projects will be funded for three consecutive
cycles pending additional funding from the Specific Funding Authority and satisfactory
performance by the partnerships as evaluated by the Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction, in
the Florida Department of Education (DOE). Funded applications are required to complete
Requests for Application (RFA) at a later date for cycles two and three.
Funding Purpose / Priorities
The purpose of awards granted under the Florida Teacher Quality Grants Program is to
provide assistance to teachers in gaining access to professional development, teacher
preparation programs, or post-secondary education in one or more of the courses following
courses based on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards: Geometry, Biology, and
U.S. History.
The priorities are:
a description of the professional development/preparation program that is researched-based
and of high quality;
a description of rigorous content that is specific to the Next Generation Sunshine State
Standards with content-specific pedagogical elements;
a description of activities and effective strategies to promote learning that are incorporated to
serve historically underserved and underrepresented populations.
Total Funding Amount / Approximate Number of Awards
To be determined for consecutive cycles two and three
Matching Requirement
Budget / Program Performance Period
September 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 – cycle one
July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 – cycle two
July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 – cycle three
Project Design and Implementation
Describe the measurable objectives, activities, and timeline for the proposed project for
funding cycles two and three.
Goal 1
: All funded projects must follow an intensive and sustained instructional format that
focuses on the learning and teaching of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
concepts using an activity-based, problem-solving approach and systematically incorporating a
follow-up component to sustain change in teachers’/participants’ classroom practices.
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
Instructional Format:
The instructional format for teacher professional
development for grant cycles two and three must include summer courses in one or
more of the following courses based on Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Geometry, Biology, and U. S. History, a full academic year intervention for teachers of
grades 9-12, with the recommendation of the same group of participants expected to
attend a summer institute. Alternative professional development timelines may be
considered where a strong LEA commitment and the effectiveness of the professional
development approach are documented in the proposal. Applicants proposing an
alternate instructional format should provide research and practice-based evidence to
support their approach.
Summer Component:
A minimum of 45 contact hours, typically 15 days over three
weeks, is highly recommended for each summer component of the program. A length of
four weeks or 60 contact hours is preferable. Many successful programs provide 20
days of instruction over four weeks.
Academic Year Component:
The academic follow-up session requires a minimum of
60 contact hours per teacher. Two 3- or 4-hour sessions every month is typical. The
academic year contact hours typically include but are not limited to group meetings,
classroom observations of teachers by the project director, and one-to-one meetings in
the teachers’ classrooms. Most successful programs also include electronic methods to
provide support to teachers during the academic year as they implement instructional
changes using the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards course requirements in
their classrooms. The summer component should focus primarily on the Next
Generation Sunshine State Standards course requirements content while the academic
year follow-up blends Next Generation Sunshine State Standards course requirements
content and discipline-related pedagogy.
Online Instruction and Support.
Given the intensive nature of the professional
development instruction and activities provided in Teacher Quality projects, applicants
should focus their efforts on providing face-to-face instructional experiences for
participants. Online support is highly recommended; however, online instruction should
be used only when it provides benefits not available in other types of instruction. Online
support that is designed to improve classroom implementation and help develop a
community of practice is especially encouraged. This would include but not be limited
to: e-mentoring, e-journaling, and lesson study.
If any portion of the instruction and academic year experiences will be provided online
or by distance learning, the applicant must clearly state this choice of instructional
delivery in the program narrative. The applicant must also explain how many clock
hours of instruction will be provided through this method and explain how this will
provide additional benefit to participants.
Goal 2
: All professional development and technical assistance must be grounded
in scientifically-based-research to increase student achievement.
DOE 905
Revised 05/09
Describe how the project will:
Build capacity for core subject matter content based on the Competencies and
Skills for Teacher Certification or on the Next Generation Sunshine State
Provide research-based professional practices in the core subject areas; improve
and increase teacher content knowledge and teaching skills in Geometry,
Biology, and U. S. History based on the course requirements driven by the Next
Generation Sunshine State Standards;
Improve and increase teacher content knowledge of core subject area Next
Generation Sunshine State Standards course requirements so that the educators
teaching out-of-field will become highly qualified; thus, enabling educators to
become highly qualified and certified in multiple fields;
Provide timely
technical assistance through existing or new coaches/mentors for
practice and demonstration of skills through follow-up that assists educators
The goals, objectives, and outcomes are clearly specified and measurable.
The design of the proposed project aligns with, and will successfully address, the needs
of the target population or other identified needs.
The objectives are measurable, qualitative, challenging, yet achievable, and address all
expected outcomes of the proposed project.
It is evident that activities / methods are comprehensive, likely to be effective, and result
in achievement of the objectives.
The methodology reflects up-to-date knowledge from research and best practices.
The timelines are specific, realistic, and consistent with measurable objectives and
The applicant has provided a brief description of the design and implementation
plan for cycles two and three.
Projects should also incorporate many of the following effective, research-based
approaches and components:
Building conceptual depth not breadth;
Establishing and fostering communities of practice among project participants;
Helping teachers identify resources on effective instructional strategies for the
implementation of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards course requirements.
Helping teachers learn to analyze student work and to adapt their instruction
Including strategies to help English language learners and low income students;
DOE 905
Revised 05/09