2011 Just Read, Florida! Reading Teacher of the Year
Nomination Procedures
The following requirements must be met in nominating a candidate for the 2011 Just Read, Florida!
Reading Teacher of the Year for elementary, middle, and high schools:
Prior to
March 15, 2011
, participating districts must select candidates who will represent the
district as the Reading Teacher of the Year at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Please submit one candidate per level. The method used to select the candidate may vary
according to the district.
Submit the completed nomination packets
with a cover letter
from the reading contact listed on
the District K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan verifying that the nominees have been selected as
the District Reading Teachers of the Year.
three letters of recommendation per nominee of no more than one page in length
These may be selected from colleagues, the teacher's principal, a parent, a present or former
student, an administrator and/or a civic or community leader.
No more than three recommendation letters will be accepted per applicant.
Mail the original application packet
including materials requested
to the address provided
E-mail Sections I-II of the Just Read, Florida! Reading Teacher of the Year Application
no later than March 15, 2011, to Latasha.Alexander@fldoe.org under the subject line:
Reading Teacher of the Year Award.
Just Read, Florida! staff will consider and review only the materials requested in the nomination
packet, thus additional materials submitted with the application will not be considered.
Regional and state winners will be awarded with certificates and plaques, respectively.
Packets must be
postmarked no later than
March 15, 2011
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The nomination packet should be
forwarded to:
Latasha Alexander
Just Read, Florida! Office
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines St., Suite 501
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Just Read, Florida! will choose five regional finalists for the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
If your District Reading Teachers of the Year are selected as regional finalists, the District Reading Contact
and the regional finalists will be notified during May, 2011.
Just Read, Florida! office will not disclose the
identities of the regional finalists prior to the dates that the announcements are made nor disclose the
announcement dates. Just Read, Florida! will make the announcements to the media and publish the
identities of the regional finalists on the Just Read, Florida! website at www.justreadflorida.com.
Just Read, Florida! will select and interview two regional finalists for each level and will make the final
decision for the Florida Elementary, Middle, and High School Reading Teachers of the Year.
Each district may nominate only one reading teacher at the elementary school level, one reading
teacher at the middle school level, and one reading teacher at the high school level. Only the District
Reading Contact designated on the front page of the District K-12 Reading Plan may submit the
Nominations should be made without regard to race, age, sex, national origin, religion, or
The following full-time district educators are eligible for nomination
Full time elementary classroom teachers responsible for reading instruction for
students on a daily basis – Grades K-5
Full time reading intervention teachers – Grades K-5
Full time reading intervention teachers – Grades 6-12
Full time reading teachers – Grades 6-12
Content area reading intervention teachers – Grades 6-12
Selection Criteria
Each district nominee will be evaluated based upon the following criteria:
Demonstrates a superior ability to foster excellence in education and contribute to the continuous
improvement of student learning and the school environment
Displays expertise in the area of reading and an ability to effectively use materials relating to reading
Utilizes original and/or innovative instructional materials and methods such as cooperative learning
and interdisciplinary instruction, uses research based programs, develops new instructional materials
and uses technology to facilitate reading instruction
Maintains a record of superior teaching performance as evidenced by data driven student gains, annual
performance assessments and/or recognition of work
Actively participates in continued professional development as evidenced by participation in relevant
training and/or advanced degrees
Demonstrates leadership in educational activities at the school, district, and/or state and national level,
such as active membership in a Reading Leadership Team, task force, or professional organization or
through involvement as a grade level or department chair
Displays exemplary interpersonal skills in communicating with students, parents and community
members as well as in collaboration with other professionals
Participates in peer coaching and mentoring activities
Utilizes innovative research techniques, such as action research, to enhance the quality of education
Engages parents/families in the learning process to enhance student literacy achievement
Promotes literacy through the use of reading strategies in instruction and/or the implementation of
projects intended to enhance student reading skills
Demonstrates a strong commitment to creating a climate of caring and respect conducive to effective
teaching and learning
Evidence of dedication to his/her community through active participation in service-oriented projects,
volunteer work, etc.
Instructions for Completing Sections I and II of the
2011 Just Read, Florida!
Reading Teachers of the Year Application:
Respond to both of the following sections.
Responses must be typed, double-spaced, utilizing a
font not smaller than 11 point.
Begin each section on a new page. At the top of the page, specify the
section number, and title.
(A sample header should read as follows: “I. Educational History and
Professional Development Activities.”)
If the section allows more than one page for the response,
the subsequent pages need only be identified with the section number.
Limit your answers to the number of pages requested in each section. In fairness to all applicants, only
the number of pages requested will be reviewed.
Educational History and Professional Development Activities
(Limit response to two pages)
Provide a copy of your resume, to include the following information:
Beginning with the most recent, list colleges and universities attended including postgraduate
studies. Indicate degrees earned and dates of attendance.
Beginning with the most recent, list teaching employment history, indicating time period, grade
level and subject area.
Beginning with the most recent, list professional association memberships including information
regarding offices held and other relevant activities undertaken within the five (5) year period
preceding the filing of this application.
Beginning with the most recent, list staff development leadership activities, training in
instructional strategies and/or leadership activities in the training of current teachers undertaken
within the five (5) year period preceding the filing of this application.
Beginning with the most recent, list awards and honors in recognition of your teaching abilities.
Provide all relevant data that will support your effectiveness as a reading teacher.
Reading Teacher Philosophy
(Limit response to five pages)
Respond to the question below. Response must be typed, double-spaced, utilizing a font not smaller
than 11 point.
Summarize your philosophy of teaching. Be sure to include how your philosophy is reflected in the
following areas:
Professional Development
Student Instruction
Promoting a Culture of Literacy (include student performance data)
2011 District Nomination Form
Reading Teacher of the Year
District Elementary
School Reading
Back to top
of the Year Nominee:
District Middle
Back to top
School Reading
Teacher of the Year
Back to top
District High School
Reading Teacher
of the Year Nominee:
Back to top
School District:
Back to top
Name of District
Reading Contact:
Back to top
District Reading Contact
District Reading
Contact’s Numbers:
Back to top
District Reading Contact’s
e-mail address:
I acknowledge that this nomination is submitted with my approval.
Packets must be postmarked no
later than
March 15, 2011
District Reading Contact’s Signature
2011 Elementary Reading Teacher Application Form
Home Address
Teacher’s Home E-mail Address
School Address
School Telephone
Teacher’s Work E-mail Address
School Fax
Total Years
Teaching Experience
Number of Years
Teaching Reading
Number of Years
in Present Position
Subject Area(s) in which you hold a Florida Teaching Certificate:
Signature of Nominee
2011 Middle School Reading Teacher Application Form
Home Address
Teacher’s Home E-mail Address
School Address
School Telephone
Teacher’s Work E-mail Address
School Fax
Total Years
Teaching Experience
Number of Years
Teaching Reading
Number of Years
in Present Position
Subject Area(s) in which you hold a Florida Teaching Certificate:
Signature of Nominee
2011 High School Reading Teacher Application Form
Home Address
Teacher’s Home E-mail Address
School Address
School Telephone
Teacher’s Work E-mail Address
School Fax
Total Years
Teaching Experience
Number of Years
Teaching Reading
Number of Years
in Present Position
Subject Area(s) in which you hold a Florida Teaching Certificate:
Signature of Nominee