Florida Department of Education
Division of Career and Adult Education
2011 Spring Integration Institute Application Form
Orlando/Tampa Location
(to be determined based on the location of the majority of the applicants)
The Spring Professional Development Integration Institute has been scheduled for May
11-12, 2011. The event is a CTE/Academic alignment workshop available to teams of
CTE and core teachers from schools that offer the CTE programs listed below. The
intent is to better prepare CTE students to take the applicable end-of-course academic
exams and to enable teachers to develop integrated lessons.
Space is limited to the first 150 registered participants. Attendees will receive
reimbursement of their hotel expenses, travel, and meals at the state rate, and districts
will be reimbursed the cost of necessary substitute teachers.
CTE Program
Integrated Academic Course
Agricultural Biotechnology
Animal Biotechnology
Environmental Science
Plant Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Biomedical Science
Architectural Drafting
Drafting Technology
Electrical Drafting
Electronic Drafting
Mechanical Drafting
Structural Drafting
Drafting/Illustrative Design
Automation and Production
Building and Construction
Applicant’s Information:
Name: E-mail:
School phone number:
Principal’s name:
School Address:
CTE Program/Subject Area:
Home address:
Cell phone number:
Completed applications can be returned via e-mail to:
Jodi Tillman at Jodi.Tillman@fldoe.org
Or mailed to:
Jodi Tillman
Florida Department of Education
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 424
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400