Dr. Frances
According to Section 1116(c)(10)(C) of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, the state education agency
identified for corrective action. The Florida Department of Education, with approval by the State Board of
Education, chose to implement the first of those options for the 2006-2007 school year and will continue
this practice for the 2009-2010 school year.
The state has determined that the most appropriate action at this time is to reduce administrative funds
ement this action by placing a cap on the amount of indirect costs that can be charged to the
Title I, Part A project for 2009-2010.
The cap on each LEA’s indirect funds is determined by applying the percentage of a
progress (AYP) criteria met to the LEA’s approved indirect cost rate. The resulting indirect cost cap
percentage is applied to the Title I, Part A project. For example: If the LEA met 85 percent of possible
AYP criteria and the approved indirect cost rate for that LEA is 4.5 percent, the cap on indirect cost which
can be charged to the project is 3.825 percent. The capped rate will be applied to all eligible
expenditures from the Title I, Part A project and must be reflected on the final FA 399 submitted at the
end of the project period.
Please find attached a report prepared by the Bureau of Contracts, Grants, and Procurement that
s the calculations applied to the Title I, Part A project for each LEA.
325 W. GAINES STREET • SUITE 1502 • TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0400 • (850) 245-0509 • www.fldoe.org
October 9, 2009
Page Two
The column identified as
AYP Sanctions
specifies the amount of funding which must be moved from
administrative use to activities that are specifically designed to address the areas in which the LEA did
not make AYP. The attached review sheet will assist in determining appropriate activities.
These funds will be subtracted from the Title I, Part A project
and an amended Project Award Notification
issued. The funds will be re-awarded in a separate Title I, Part A Corrective Action Award. In order to
receive these funds, the LEA must complete and submit the following:
a DOE 150 Project Amendment for the amount specified as the AYP Sanction amount
a DOE 101 Project Budget specifying how these funds are proposed to be used
a project narrative describing the activities to be funded with this corrective action award
s must include the names of each Title I school to be impacted, the target subgroups,
the activities to be conducted, and an explanation of how the LEA expects to achieve AYP using
these and other available resources)
Please submit documents to the following office by November 9, 2009:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 West Gaines Street Suite 332
Unit A
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
If you have questions or need additional information, please
contact your Title I Office Program Specialist
at 850.245.0414.
Thank you for your leadership in ensuring the highest quality educational program for our students.