1. Program Office Contact Grants Management Contact
    2. Instructions
    3. 2. Project Need
    4. Data Source: Goal Area:
    5. Example
    6. Objective: Anticipated Outcomes: Activities:
    7. Goal Area: Standard: Performance Goal: Objective:
    8. Anticipated Outcomes: Activities:
    9. Example
    10. B. Capacity to Implement the Project
    11. 2) Background and Qualification
    12. 4. Dissemination Plan
    13. 5. Evaluation
    14. 7. Reporting Outcomes
    15. 8. Budget
    16. Allowable Expenses
    17. Unallowable Expenses
    18. 5) Application (DOE 100A Project Application Form) must be submitted to:

Request for Application (RFA Discretionary)
Bureau / Office
K-12 Public Schools/Student Achievement/Bureau of Student Assistance/Homeless Education Program
Program Name
Education for Homeless Children and Youth, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Specific Funding Authority (ies)
CFDA #84.387A, P.L. 100-77, McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act, Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Recovery Act, Award Number
Funding Purpose/Priorities
These funds will be used to facilitate the identification, enrollment, attendance, and success in school of
homeless children and youth. Services may be provided through programs on school grounds or at
other facilities; shall be provided through existing programs and mechanisms that integrate homeless
children and youth with non-homeless children and youth; and shall be designed to expand or improve
services provided as part of a school’s regular academic program, but not to replace such services
provided under this program. These projects should supplement Local Educational Agency (LEA)
funding to ensure that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free, appropriate
public education, including preschool education, as provided to other children and youth.
Type of Award
Total Funding Amount
Preliminary amount of $3,124,358 (range of awards from $10,000 to $115,000, for approximately 68
Budget Period
Upon receipt, through September 30, 2010
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Program Performance Period
Upon receipt, through September 30, 2010
Target Population
Pre-K to Grade 12 homeless children and youth in Florida public schools
Eligible Applicant(s)
Local educational agencies with a population of at least one homeless child or youth are eligible to
apply for the Title X, Part C - Education of Homeless Children and Youth Project.
Application Due Date
Applicants are encouraged to apply on or by June 30, 2009, so funding may begin on July 1, 2009.
These funds are to be awarded by August 8, 2009, so a timely submission is required.
The due date refers to the date of receipt in Grants Management. For Federal programs, the
project effective date will be the date that the application is received within DOE meeting
conditions for acceptance, or the date of receipt of the Federal Award Notification, whichever is
later. For State programs, the project effective date will be no earlier than the effective date of
the legislative appropriation, usually July 1. The ending date can be no later than June 30, of the
fiscal year unless otherwise specified in statute or proviso.
Contact Persons
Program Office Contact
Grants Management Contact
State Homeless Education Director
Program Specialist IV
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The Department of Education has developed and implemented a document entitled, General
Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply
34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR)
which requires local educational agencies to submit a common assurance for participation
in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education;
applicable regulations of other Federal agencies; and
State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds.
In order to receive funding, applicants must have on file with the Department of Education,
Office of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence
to these General Assurances for Participation in State or Federal Programs. The complete text
may be found at http://fldoe.org/comptroller/doc/gbsectiond.doc.
Title X, Part C, ARRA
Only use funds to meet the intents and purposes of The American Recovery and
Reinvestment act of 2009 as it pertains to the education of homeless children and youth.
Spend funds quickly, consistent with NCLB’s reporting and accountability requirements, to
help drive the nation’s economic recovery.
Improve student achievement through school improvement and reform and help close the
achievement gap by:
Making progress toward rigorous college- and career-ready standards and high-quality
Establishing pre-K to college and career data systems that track progress and foster
continuous improvement;
Improving teacher effectiveness and the equitable distribution of qualified teachers; and
Providing intensive support and effective interventions for the lowest-performing schools.
Ensure transparency, reporting, and accountability to accurately measure and track funds
and publicly report on how funds are used.
Invest ARRA funds thoughtfully in ways that do not result in unsustainable continuing
commitments after the funding expires
Program Specific Assurances - Title X, Part C – Education of Homeless Children and
In order to receive funding, the applicant (LEA) also must assure that:
Each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth shall have equal access to the
same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as provided to
other children and youth.
Homeless children and youth are afforded the same free, appropriate public education as
provided to other children and youth.
It will review and undertake steps to revise any laws, regulations, practices, or policies that may
act as a barrier to the enrollment, attendance, or success in school of homeless children and
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It will not separate homeless students from the mainstream school environment or segregate
homeless students in a separate school, or in a separate program within a school, based on
such students’ status as homeless.
Homeless children and youth have access to the education and other services that they need in
order to meet the same challenging state student academic achievement standards to which all
students are held.
Its combined fiscal effort per student, or the aggregate expenditures of the LEA and the state
with respect to the provisions of free public education by the LEA for the fiscal year preceding
the fiscal year for which the determination is made, was not less than 90 percent of such
combined fiscal effort or aggregate expenditures for the second fiscal year preceding the fiscal
year for which the determination is made (unless the state receives a waiver).
It complies with, or will use requested funds to comply with paragraphs (3) through (7) of section
722(g) of the McKinney-Vento Act.
It will adopt policies and practices to ensure that homeless children and youths are not
stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless.
It will designate an appropriate staff person, who may also be a coordinator for other federal
programs, as a local educational agency liaison for homeless children and youths, to carry out
the duties described in paragraph (6)(A).
It will adopt policies and practices to ensure that transportation is provided, at the request of the
parent or guardian (or in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the liaison), to and from the
school of origin, as determined in the McKinney-Vento Act.
If the homeless student’s living arrangement in the area served by the LEA of origin terminates
and the student, though continuing his or her education in the school of origin, begins living in
an area served by another LEA, the LEA of origin and the LEA in which the homeless student is
living shall agree upon a method to apportion the responsibility and costs for providing the
student with transportation to and from the school of origin. If the local educational agencies are
unable to agree upon such method, the responsibility and costs for transportation shall be
shared equally.
School Districts, Community Colleges, Universities and State Agencies
The certification of adherence filed with the Department of Education
Comptroller’s Office shall remain in effect indefinitely unless a change occurs in
federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a term,
assurance, or condition; and does not need to be resubmitted with this
Funding Method
CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System – Web-Based Reporting
required monthly to record expenditures.
Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to a
recipient for disbursements. For federally funded projects, requests for federal cash advance
must be made on the CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System. If at
times it is determined that disbursements are going to exceed the amount of cash on hand plus
cash in transit, an on-line amendment can be made prior to the due date of the next Federal
Cash Advance distribution on the CARDS System.
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Fiscal Requirements
Supporting documentation for expenditures is required for all funding methods. Examples of
such documentation include: invoices with check numbers verifying payment, and/or bank
statements; all or any of which must be available upon request.
Project Abstract or Summary
Provide a brief summary of the proposed project including general purpose and specific needs and
goals and project design (limit three pages).
The proposed project summary includes clearly aligned general purpose, needs, specific
goals, and brief project design.
It is clear that the proposed project aligns with the intended Funding Purpose/Priorities.
2. Project
Describe the need for the proposed project and provide supporting data as evidence.
The magnitude or severity of the problem is evident, compelling, and clearly linked to the
outcome(s) of the proposed project.
The magnitude of the need for the services to be provided or the activities to be carried out
is apparent.
It is evident that the proposed project is focused on those with greatest needs.
The need for the proposed project is strongly justified through supportive data.
Needs Identification
Describe Needs Identification Process
Describe the process the applicant used to identify educational and other needs related to
the enrollment, attendance, and academic success of homeless students in the LEA.
2) Needs
Clearly identify the needs that will be addressed in this application. Applicants must include
information on the identified need/required focus and target population, baseline data, data
source, performance goal, and anticipated outcomes for 2009-2010.
At a minimum, eligible applicants who have identified less than 40 homeless students must
address identification in their needs assessment. Applicants with 40 or more identified
students may, but are not required to, address this need.
Applicants who have applied for the competitive Title X, Part C Education for Homeless
Children and Youth Project grant may add activities, indicators, and deliverables to enhance
those needs, goals, objectives, and outcomes they have already identified in the competitive
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Applicants are encouraged to identify coordination and collaboration needs that are ARRA
specific; for example, collaborating use of ARRA funds with other programs in the LEA to
serve homeless children and youth in the LEA.
Identified Need – Identification of Homeless Students (those eligible applicants who
have identified less than 40 homeless students must complete a need on identification)
Identified Need/Required Focus and Target Population:
Identification of Homeless
Baseline Data:
Data Source:
Goal Area 2:
To ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same
free, appropriate public education, including preschool education, as provided to other
children and youth
Standard 3:
All children in homeless situations are identified.
Performance Goal:
Anticipated Outcomes
Identified Need – Applicant’s Specific Need(s); repeat table for each additional need to
address in project
Identified Need/Required Focus and Target Population:
Applicant’s Specific Need
Baseline Data:
Data Source:
Goal Area:
Performance Goal:
Anticipated Outcomes
Identified Need/Required Focus and Target Population:
Identification--There is a need
to increase the number and percent of schools identifying and enrolling eligible homeless
students, especially those schools with a high percentage of students on free and reduced
Baseline Data:
In 2007-2008, only 35 (70%) of the LEA’s schools with more than 75% of
students on free and reduced lunch identified or enrolled any homeless students.
Data Source:
ed student database
Goal Area 2:
To ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same
free, appropriate public education, including preschool education, as provided to other
children and youth
Standard 3:
All children in homeless situations are identified.
Performance Goal:
Students in homeless situations are identified by and enrolled in
schools, especially those with a high percentage of students on free and reduced lunch.
Anticipated Outcomes:
By the end of 2009-2010 school year, 40 (80%) of the LEA’s
schools with more than 75% of students on free and reduced lunch will identify and enroll
homeless students.
Project Design and Implementation
Describe the goals, measurable objectives, anticipated outcomes, timelines, activities, indicators,
and deliverables, for the proposed project.
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The goals, objectives, and outcomes are clearly specified and measurable.
The design of the proposed project aligns with, and will successfully address, the needs of
the target population or other identified needs.
The objectives are measurable, qualitative, challenging, yet achievable, and address all
expected outcomes of the proposed project.
It is evident that activities/methods are comprehensive, likely to be effective, and result in
achievement of the objectives.
The methodology reflects up-to-date knowledge from research and best practices.
The timelines are specific, realistic, and consistent with measurable objectives and
A. Description of Needs to Address and Goals, Measurable Objectives, Anticipated
Outcomes, Timelines, Activities, and Indicators and Deliverables with Targets
For each need area, please describe the need to be addressed and provide the baseline data,
each corresponding goal area, performance goal, objectives, activities, timelines, and indicators
and deliverables with targets, for the grant period.
Identified Need – Identification of Homeless Students
Project Description/Evaluation Design
Prioritized Need to Address:
Identification of Homeless Students
Baseline Data:
Goal Area 2:
To ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same
free, appropriate public education, including preschool education, as provided to other
children and youth
Standard 3:
All children in homeless situations are identified.
Performance Goal:
Anticipated Outcomes:
Deliverables/Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination:
Identified Need – Applicant’s Specific Need(s); repeat for each additional need to
address in project
Project Description/Evaluation Design
Prioritized Need to Address: Applicant’s specific need(s); repeat table for each need
Baseline Data:
Goal Area:
Performance Goal:
Anticipated Outcomes:
Deliverables/Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination:
DOE 900D
Revised 05/09

Project Description/Evaluation Design (also use for part of evaluation)
Prioritized Need to Address:
Identification--There is a need to increase the number and
percent of schools identifying and enrolling eligible homeless students, especially those
schools with a high percentage of students on free and reduced lunch.
Baseline Data:
In 2007-2008, only 35 (70%) out of 50 of the LEA’s schools with more than
75% of students on free and reduced lunch identified or enrolled any homeless students.
Goal Area 2:
To ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same
free, appropriate public education, including preschool education, as provided to other
children and youth
Standard 3:
All children in homeless situations are identified.
Performance Goal:
Students in homeless situations are identified by and enrolled in
schools, especially those with a high percentage of students on free and reduced lunch.
By June 30, 2010, 40 (80%) of the LEA’s schools with more than 75% of students
on free and reduced lunch identify and enroll homeless students.
Anticipated Outcomes:
80% of the LEA’s schools with more than 75% of students on free
and reduced lunch identify and enroll homeless students by June 30, 2010.
The homeless liaison will develop or revise training materials and train enrollment
and pertinent school staff on the McKinney-Vento enrollment requirements. The liaisons will
work with other district staff on the revision of the Residency Questionnaires (English and
Spanish) and its approval by district leadership.
August through October for instructor-led training (2009)
November through May for online training (2009-2010)
Number of LEA schools with more than 75% of students on free and reduced
lunch identifying homeless students
40 Schools
Percent of LEA schools with more than 75% of students on free and reduced
lunch identifying homeless students
Number of homeless students enrolled in schools with more than 75% of
students on free and reduced lunch
Percent of homeless students enrolled in schools with more than 75% of
students on free and reduced lunch
Total number of school staff members provided professional development to
enable them to identify students who may be eligible for McKinney-Vento
Number of schools with trained staff
Number of trainings held (instructor-led)
Number of webinars held
Number of school staff participating in online training
Percent of schools using residency questionnaire in the enrollment process
Deliverables/Training, Technical Assistance, and Dissemination
McKinney-Vento Instructor-led Training and Webinars
McKinney-Vento Online Training
McKinney-Vento Training PowerPoint
Homeless Education School Enrollment Toolkit
Revised Residency Questionnaires in English and Spanish
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B. Capacity to Implement the Project
Provide responses to questions “1-2” below.
Current Homeless Liaison (or person currently acting as homeless liaison)
Name of Homeless Liaison:
Name of LEA:
Complete Address:
City, Zip:
Percentage of time devoted to the duties of the liaison:
Please provide the percentage of time the homeless liaison devoted to other, non-homeless
liaison duties and a brief description of those other duties. Enter “N/A” if not applicable.
% Devoted to Other
Brief Description of Other Duties
Background and Qualification
Please list the qualification and background of the homeless liaison.
4. Dissemination
Describe the project’s dissemination plan that ensures that homeless children and their families and
unaccompanied youth are informed of the homeless education services and programs.
A description of how the LEA shall disseminate public notice of the educational rights of
homeless children and youth where such children and youth receive services under the
McKinney-Vento Act, such as schools in the LEA and where such children and youth
receive services under the McKinney-Vento Act, such as family shelters, soup kitchens, etc.
A description of how the LEA communicates the name of the homeless liaison and his or her
duties to schools in the LEA and to the community.
A description of how the LEA informs parents or guardians of homeless children and youth
or unaccompanied youth of the educational and related opportunities available to their
children or them and shall provide parents or guardians with meaningful opportunities to
participate in the education of their children.
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5. Evaluation
Describe the instruments and method(s) for evaluating the proposed project
The methods are thorough, feasible, and appropriate to the goals, objectives, and outcomes of
the proposed project.
The evaluation methods provide for examining the effectiveness of project implementation
strategies and are appropriate to the context within which the project operates.
The methods include the use of objective performance measures that clearly relate to the
intended outcomes of the proposed project and will produce quantitative and qualitative data.
The methods are likely to produce timely guidance for quality assurance.
The evaluation process is comprehensive, likely to result in a successful project, and includes
an effective approach for using evaluation results to guide necessary adjustments to the
proposed project.
The evaluation instruments are designed to effectively measure program progress and success.
At a minimum, the evaluation must include the actual results of the indicator measures.
Support for Strategic Imperatives
Incorporate one or more of the Areas of Focus included in Florida’s Next Generation PreK-20
Education Strategic Plan.
URL: http://www.fldoe.org/Strategic_Plan/pdfs/StrategicPlanApproved.pdf
Describe how the proposed project will address the reading and math/science initiatives of the
Department of Education.
Just Read Florida
URL: http://www.justreadflorida.com/
Math/Science Initiative
URL: http://www.fldoestem.org/center13.aspx
The applicant has included effective methods for incorporating one or more of the Areas of
Focus from Florida’s Next Generation PreK-20 Education Strategic Plan.
The proposed project utilizes a comprehensive plan for integrating pertinent aspects of the Just
Read, Florida! and the math/science initiatives.
7. Reporting
The LEA will report on their use of McKinney-Vento ARRA funds in the quarterly reports
required under section 1512 of the ARRA.
The LEA will complete required FLDOE reports.
The LEA will maintain documentation of each activity implemented using these funds for on-
site, desktop, or self-certification monitoring.
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8. Budget
Present a budget that reflects objectives and proposed costs of the project.
The budget is thorough, specific, and supports the proposed project.
The proposed project budget presents expenses that are allowable, realistic, accurate, and
clearly relate to and reflect project activities, objectives, and outcomes.
The costs are reasonable in relation to the objectives, design, and potential significance of the
proposed project.
The costs are reasonable in relation to the number of persons to be served and to the
anticipated results and benefits.
The required personnel, professional and technical services, and/or travel for the proposed
project are clearly and adequately explained.
The justifications for expenditures are reasonable and clearly explained.
Allowable Expenses
Project funds must be used for activities that directly support the accomplishment of the project
purpose, priorities, and expected outcomes. All expenditures must be consistent with applicable
state and federal laws, regulations, and guidance. A local educational agency may use funds
awarded under this section for activities that carry out the purpose of this subtitle, including those
below. Please check those activities below that are covered in the project.
� The provision of tutoring, supplemental instruction, and enriched educational services that are
linked to the achievement of the same challenging state academic content standards and
challenging state student academic achievement standards the state establishes for other
children and youths.
� The provision of expedited evaluations of the strengths and needs of homeless children and
youths, including needs and eligibility for programs and services (such as educational programs
for gifted and talented students, children with disabilities, and students with limited English
proficiency, services provided under title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965 or similar state or local programs, programs in vocational and technical education, and
school nutrition programs).
� Professional development and other activities for educators and pupil services personnel that
are designed to heighten the understanding and sensitivity of such personnel to the needs of
homeless children and youths, the rights of such children and youths under this subtitle, and the
specific educational needs of runaway and homeless youths.
� The provision of referral services to homeless children and youths for medical, dental, mental,
and other health services.
� The provision of assistance to defray the excess cost of transportation for students under
section 722(g)(4)(A), not otherwise provided through federal, state, or local funding, where
necessary to enable students to attend the school selected under section 722(g)(3). [Note, no
more than three percent of the budget may be used for this category.]
� The provision of developmentally appropriate early childhood education programs, not
otherwise provided through federal, state, or local funding, for preschool-aged homeless
� The provision of services and assistance to attract, engage, and retain homeless children and
youths, and unaccompanied youths, in public school programs and services provided to
nonhomeless children and youths.
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� The provision for homeless children and youths of before- and after-school, mentoring, and
summer programs in which a teacher or other qualified individual provides tutoring, homework
assistance, and supervision of educational activities.
� If necessary, the payment of fees and other costs associated with tracking, obtaining, and
transferring records necessary to enroll homeless children and youths in school, including birth
certificates, immunization or medical records, academic records, guardianship records, and
evaluations for special programs or services.
� The provision of education and training to the parents of homeless children and youths about
the rights of, and resources available to, such children and youths.
� The development of coordination between schools and agencies providing services to homeless
children and youths, as described in section 722(g)(5).
� The provision of pupil services (including violence prevention counseling) and referrals for such
� Activities to address the particular needs of homeless children and youths that may arise from
domestic violence.
� The adaptation of space and purchase of supplies for any nonschool facilities made available
under subsection (a)(2) to provide services under this subsection.
� The provision of school supplies, including those supplies to be distributed at shelters or
temporary housing facilities, or other appropriate locations.
� The provision of other extraordinary or emergency assistance needed to enable homeless
children and youths to attend school.
Unallowable Expenses
� Project funds may not be used to supplant existing programs and/or funding.
� No more than ten percent of the funds may be used to defray the excess cost of transportation
for homeless students under section 722(g)(4)(A). LEAs must provide assurance that the funds
are not being used to supplant the LEA’s requirement to transport homeless students to and
from the school of origin. LEAs will need to document how the transportation cost is in excess
of the LEAs’ average cost to transport students.
� Proposed purchases of Capital Outlay must be supported with descriptions/explanations of how
the purchase of equipment will impact services to homeless children and youth.
� General office supplies are not allowable expenses; however, funds for office supplies may be
used to serve and provide assistance to homeless students and their families.
� Services provided must not replace the regular academic program.
For Federal Programs - General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)
Provide a concise description of the process to ensure equitable access to, and participation of
students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries with special needs
For details refer to URL:
The requirements listed below must be met for applications to be considered for review:
Application is received in DOE within the timeframe specified by the RFA.
Application includes required forms: DOE 100A Project Application Form and DOE
101 - Budget Narrative Form
All required forms must have the assigned TAPS Number included on the form
All required forms have original signatures by an authorized entity
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Application (DOE 100A Project Application Form) must be submitted to:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street, (Room 332)
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
NOTE: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head identified above
must have a letter signed by the agency head, or documentation citing action of the governing
body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of said official. Attach the letter or
documentation to the DOE 100A when the application is submitted.
Online Application Submission Requirements
Applicants must apply for the grant online at the Florida Department of Education at
https://app1.fldoe.org/TitleX/. Contact Lorraine Allen for the LEA’s Username and Password.
In addition to submitting the online application, the DOE 100A Application Form bearing the original
signature of the Superintendent for the LEA must be received in the Florida Department of Education,
Office of Grants Management, by the deadline.
Method of Review
The 2009-2010 Education for Homeless Children and Youth, American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act project, including budget form, shall be reviewed by FDOE staff in the Bureau of Student
Assistance. The staff includes, but is not limited to the Homeless Education Director, the program
specialist for the Homeless Education Program, and the Chief of the Bureau of Student Assistance.
Criteria for Review
Projects will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
Needs are systematically identified and clearly articulated.
Proposed activities are clearly described.
Proposed activities align with identified needs.
Proposed activities align with section 723 of the McKinney-Vento Act.
The proposed budget is adequate and appropriate, aligns with activities proposed, and is for
allowable expenses.
Program funds and expenditures will be kept in a separate budget from other funds.
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Revised 05/09

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