1. September 12, 2002
    2. M E M O R A N D U M
      1. Career and Technical Education Directors
      2. SG:NC/jal

September 12, 2002
TO: Exceptional Student Education Directors
Career and Technical Education Directors
Area Technical Center Directors
Community College Occupational Deans
Adult Education Directors
Shan Goff, Chief
Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services
Division of Public Schools and Community Education
Nancy Cordill, Chief
Bureau of Program Planning and Development
Division of Workforce Development
SUBJECT: Third Annual World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities
We are pleased to announce that the Third Annual World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities
(WCD) will be held October 3–5, 2002, in Orlando. The mission of this event is to present a
comprehensive forum that educates, informs, and provides useful exchange of ideas for all those
involved in the care, development and treatment of people with disabilities and special health care
needs. Special features include an employment symposium and pavilion, an assistive technology
learning center, and a sports and recreation activity center.
This year’s educational program will feature over 150 multi-disciplinary sessions designed to bring
together all those involved in improving the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities.
During the conference, information and ideas on current issues will be exchanged between people
with disabilities, their families and caregivers, physicians, direct support professionals, allied health
care professionals, educators, and adapted physical education specialists.
The WCD conference program is collaborating on a 50 session employment symposium with the
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and other statewide provider/advocacy organizations.
The purpose of this event is to provide people with disabilities and their families, educators and
employers, and especially VR clients and counselors, with a forum for information exchange.

Third Annual World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities
September 12, 2002
Page Two
This program will provide participants the opportunity to engage in various employment focused
discussion sessions.
Conference information is available at http://www.wcdexpo.com.
cc: State Advisory Committee Members
Transition Contact Persons
Project CONNECT Site Coordinators
FDLRS Associate and Specialized Center Managers
FDLRS Technology Contact Persons
FDLRS Transition Contact Persons
District Parent Liaisons
SEDNET Project Managers

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