TO: District Superintendents
    District Guidance Supervisors
    Middle and High School Principals
    Middle and High School Guidance Supervisors
    Middle and High School Guidance Counselors
    Exceptional Student Education Counselors
    FROM: Mark B. Rosenberg, Chancellor
    State University System of Florida
    DATE: July 24, 2007
    SUBJECT: SUS Regional Admissions Workshops
    Staff members of the Board of Governors and the State University System Admission
    Directors cordially invite you to attend one of the regional admissions workshops
    scheduled around the state in fall 2007. Seven universities will host a workshop for
    their region. In addition to the university Admission Directors, representatives from
    the Department of Education will be participating in the workshops. This is the twenty-
    second year for these regional workshops and attendance in the past has been excellent.
    We strongly encourage you to participate in these workshops and join us in our efforts
    to improve our service to the citizens of Florida through education. The intention of the
    workshops is to inform middle and high school guidance counselors about the
    philosophy, various policies, and procedures involved in transitioning through the K-20
    system. With that understanding, guidance counselors will be better equipped to meet
    the needs of their students during this critical transition time. There will be time
    allotted to allow guidance counselors the opportunity to ask specific questions about
    admissions and other related matters.
    The locations and dates in the attached schedule were planned to make the workshop
    accessible to educators across the state. Please note that while light refreshments were
    provided in the past, this year’s budget restraints will prohibit any refreshments or
    meals. All participants are encouraged to bring their own drinks or snacks.
    Universities recognize this is a tight budget year for everyone. They, however, did not
    want to cancel the programs as they feel that it is important to meet counselors
    throughout the state and answer questions.
    Make plans early and register as soon as possible because some sites fill up faster than
    others. You may refer to the attached schedule of workshops to determine which site
    will be the most convenient for you to attend. Once a workshop reaches maximum
    capacity, participants will need to register for a different site.

    SUS Regional Admissions Workshops Memorandum
    July 24, 2007
    Page Two
    Workshop registration and a tentative schedule are available at There is no registration fee. Counselors
    will receive a confirmation of their registration once they have completed the process.
    Check-in will start at 8:00 a.m. and presentations will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.
    These meetings are an integral part of the State's effort to keep our students engaged in
    education beyond high school in Florida. Thank you for all you do for the students in
    our state.
    If you have any questions or need additional information, please email or call Lori Clark or Lynda Page at (850) 245-0466 or Suncom
    c: Jeanine Blomberg, Commissioner
    Florida Department of Education
    Chancellor’s Office
    Division of Community Colleges
    Pam Stewart, Deputy Chancellor
    K-12 Educator Quality

    2007 SUS Admissions Tour Schedule
    September 5, 2007 –
    Florida State University, Panama City
    September 6, 2007 –
    University of North Florida, Jacksonville
    September 7, 2007 –
    University of Central Florida, Orlando
    September 10, 2007 –
    New College of Florida, Sarasota
    September 11, 2007 –
    University of South Florida, Tampa
    September 12, 2007 –
    Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
    September 14, 2007 –
    Florida International University, Miami
    We will be providing more specific location information prior to the workshops.
    2007 SUS Admissions Workshop Agenda
    8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    The first presentation will start promptly at 8:30 a.m.
    Breakfast and lunch will not be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their
    own drinks and snacks.
    State University System Admissions Directors Presentations
    Question & Answer with SUS Admission Directors
    Face Time with SUS Admissions Directors and Department of Education
    Department of Education Presentations (Tentatively: Office of Articulation,
    Division of Community Colleges, the Office of Workforce Education, State
    Financial Aid,, and K-12 updates)
    Question & Answer with Department of Education presenters
    For registration and workshop updates, visit our website:
    For questions, email

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