? ips for School Bus Riders:
School officials, bus operators, parents, and students them
selves are all responsible for ensuring that school bus riders
follow these safety tips:
At the bus stop:
• Students and parents are responsible for safety and proper
student behavior going to and from the stop and while
waiting for the bus.
• Students must stand off the roadway while waiting.
• Students must respect other people’s property.
• Students must not push, shove, or engage in horseplay.
• Parents should supervise children at the stop if possible.
• Students must arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes
prior to the scheduled pickup time.
• Students must wait for and get off the bus only at ap
proved stop locations.
During loading and unloading:
• Always stay away from the 12 foot “danger zone” around
the bus, except when you are directed by the driver to get
on or off the bus.
• NEVER pick up an object that you drop under or near the
bus. Ask the driver for help.
• Always be sure the driver can see you.
• Make sure clothing and backpacks have no loose draw
strings or long straps that could catch in the handrail or
bus door.
• When you see the bus coming, stand at the stop and wait
for the bus to come to a complete stop.
• Always wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to cross
the road and/or load into the bus.
• When crossing a traffic lane, always look left, right, then
left again; cross only if approaching traffic has stopped.
• Never walk behind the bus.
• Only boar
d your assigned bus, unless other arrangements
e appr
oved by your school.
During the bus ride:
• Always follow the driver’s dir
• Never distract the driver from driving unless there is im
mediate danger to you or others.
• Remain seated and keep the aisles clear.
• Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are prohibited.
• Never bring unsafe or unauthorized items into the bus.
• Always wear your seat belt when one is available.
• Always keep your arms, legs, and head inside the bus.
• Always show respect for your fellow students.
• Keep conversation at a reasonable level and remain quiet
at railroad crossings. The Student Code of Conduct applies
in the bus as well as in the classroom.
Did you know
that the familiar yellow school bus
is the safest way to and from school? Each year approximately
800 school-age children are killed in the United States during
school transportation hours while walking, bicycling, and
riding in smaller passenger vehicles. Only about two
percent of the total deaths occur in
or around school buses.
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Tips for Riders in Cars,
SUVs, and T
Drivers and passengers in cars, SUVs, and trucks must
always use appropriate safety restraints. Anyone trans
porting children needs a child safety seat, booster seat, or
safety belt, depending on children’s sizes and ages.
Preschool age children should always be restrained
properly in a secured child safety restraint system, such
as a rear-facing infant seat, rear-facing convertible seat,
forward-facing convertible seat, or forward-facing-only
seat appropriate to their age and weight range.
All children who have outgrown child safety seats should
be properly restrained in booster seats until they are at
least 8 years old, unless they are at least 4’ 9” tall.
The backseat is the safest place in a crash. Children age
12 and under should ride properly restrained in back.
Infants riding in rear-facing seats must NEVER be placed
in front of an air bag.
Tips for Par
ent Drivers
and Teen Drivers:
To reduce energy usage, pollution, and traffic congestion in
neighborhoods, consider walking or bicycling with your chil
dren. If you need to drive, follow these safety tips:
When picking up children in the afternoon don’t arrive
too early and hinder the movement of traffic in the neigh
borhood around the school.
Wait in a single line and leave enough room so an emer
gency response vehicle would be able to get through.
Don’t block driveways, mailboxes, disabled parking
spaces, or fire hydrants, and don’t park on lawns.
Don’t block access to or the view from side streets.
Don’t back out onto any street from the school parking
lot or from a side street.
Try to arrange your drop off/pickup time after the peak
rush hour and use designated loading and unloading
Always heed signs and the directions of school and law
enforcement officials.
Always obey posted speed limits and other traffic laws.
Act as you would want people to act if it were your
Be patient and understand that walkers, bicyclists, and
school buses are trying to exit the school, too.
Always ensure that you and your passengers buckle up.
Never talk on a cell phone or engage in other distractions
while driving.
Did you know
that motor vehicle crashes
are now the leading cause of death for 15 to 20 year olds
in the United States? According to the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 7,460 drivers ages 15
to 20 were involved in fatal crashes in 2005. Most of the
fatalities involving young drivers are the young drivers
themselves and their passengers.
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Tips for W
alking and Biking Safely:
Walking and biking to and from school can be a great way
to get exercise, interact with your children, and teach them
lifelong traffic safety skills. Know your child’s abilities and
remember your child’s limitations. Children under 10 years
of age are developmentally limited when it comes to judging
speed and distance accurately.
W alking?
Teach, practice, and r
emind childr
en to:?
Walk with an adult or responsible older child at all times.
Children under 10 years old should cross the street only
with an adult.
Walk on the sidewalk if there is one.
Walk facing the traffic, as far from the road/traffic as pos
sible, if no sidewalk is available.
Use traffic signals and marked crosswalks if available.
Stop at the curb or edge of the road and look left, right
and left for traffic before crossing the street.
Walk; don’t run.
Give drivers time to see you before crossing the street.
Keep looking for cars while you are crossing.
Wear white clothing or refectors when walking in the
dark or in low light.
Bicycles are vehicles and riders must follow Florida Traffic
Teach, practice, and r
emind childr
en to:
Always wear a helmet that is properly fitted.
Whenever possible, ride with an adult or responsible
older student.
Always obey all traffic signs and signals.
Ride on the right side of the road or trail in a single file
(one bicycle behind another).
Ride in the same direction as other vehicles.
Go straight across railroad tracks.
Always use proper hand signals when turning and stopping.
Yield to pedestrians and alert them with a bicycle bell or
your voice when passing.
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