1. Federal Program Administrating Agency:      
          2. CFDA No. (Catalog of Federal Financial Assistance No., indicate appropriate Federal Program(s) in the blank provided.)




Vendor/Subrecipient Determination for Federally Funded Contracts

Non-State Organization:                  Nonprofit        For-Profit

( Check appropriate classification with regard to Provider. Please Note: For-Profit corporations are Vendors by default.)


Federal Program Administrating Agency:       



CFDA No. (Catalog of Federal Financial Assistance No., indicate appropriate Federal Program(s) in the blank provided.)



Contract No.            Contract Agreement Period: From       To      




Completed by:                                  

     (Contract Manager ’s Name)  (Contract Manager’s Title)  (Date)



Part A: Check either Vendor or Subrecipient based upon an analysis of the defining characteristics for each.


1. Vendor (check all that apply):

  Provides the goods and services within normal business operations.

  Provides similar goods or services to many purchasers

  Operates in a competitive environment

  Provides goods or services that are in support of the Federal program

  Is not subject to compliance requirements of the Federal program.      


2. Subrecipient (check all that apply):

Has its performance measured against Federal program objectives?

Determines eligibility for Federal financial assistance

Has responsibility for programmatic decision making

Must adhere to Federal program compliance requirements

Uses Federal funds to carry out its own programs as compared to providing goods or services for a program of a pass- through entity.


Part B: Conclusion.

Based on your analysis of the responses to Part A indicate your evaluation of the organization for this contract:

(check one) Subrecipient  Vendor 








NOTE: This checklist is a tool for Agency contract managers to use to determine a Provider’s status as either a Vendor or a Subrecipient as defined in OMB Circular A-133, Section 210, as revised. A Provider that is classified as a Subrecipient would be subject to audit requirements as specified in OMB Circular A-133, Section 210, as revised.



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