Florida Department of Education
Exit Interview
To be completed by school guidance counselor or other school personnel:
School Name ______________________________________________ School District _________________
Student Name ______________________________________________ Withdrawal date: __/__/__
Grade Level ______________________________________________ Student ID# __________________
Student DOB ______________________________________________ School Transcript (
Please Attach
What is the
reason the student is terminating school enrollment? (check one)
___ Classes not interesting ___ Marriage ___ Employment
___ Student/teacher conflict ___ Parenting ___ Suspended too often
___ Friends dropped out ___ Illness ___ Homeless
___ Failing classes ___ Migrant ___ Truancy/Absenteeism
___ Did not like school ___ Expelled ___ Failed to pass FCAT
___ Family Problems ___ Intimidated/Threatened/Bullied
Was the student in an alternative program prior to withdrawal from school? Yes No
If no, was an alternative program available? Yes No
If yes, describe the alternative program? ___________________________________________________
Had the student received individual counseling prior to this meeting? Yes No
If no, was counseling made available to the student? Yes No
Has a child study team been convened on the student’s behalf? Yes No
If yes, please list the interventions taken by the child study team. _______________________________
Was the student involved in school sponsored extracurricular activities? Yes No
Does the student have an IEP or Section 504 Accommodation Plan? Yes No
Has the student received any remediation services in the past two (2) years? Yes No
If yes, please describe the remediation services? _____________________________________________
What is the average number of days the student was absent over the past two (2) years?
Year 1 ________ Year 2 ________
How many unexcused absences or tardies has the student accumulated over the past two years?
Unexcused Absences: Year 1 _______ Year 2 ________
Unexcused Tardies: Year 1 _______ Year 2 ________
What interventions did the school attempt in response to unexcused absences or tardinesses of the student while
Communication between the school/teacher and the family/student
Formal meeting with the parent
Changes to the learning environment
Student counseling
Attendance Contract
Referral to other agencies/services on behalf of family needs
Truancy Petition
Other (Please describe)
Has the student
been suspended? Yes No If yes, how many times? _____
Has the student
been expelled? Yes No If yes, how many times? _____
Is the student eligible for the free/reduced lunch program? Yes No
Does the student plan to earn a GED? Yes No
If yes, inform student, for Bright Futures eligibility, GED students must complete credit requirements before
taking GED exam.
Has the student been informed of options for continuing his/her education? Yes No
Has the parent been notified of the student’s intent to terminate school enrollment? Yes No
If yes, provide the date of parent notification. _______________________
The student has identified the following as actions that could be taken to keep them in school.
A. Opportunities for real-world learning (internships, service learning)
B. Better teachers
C. Smaller Classes
D. More individualized instruction
E. Better communication with your teachers
F. Better communication with your parents
G. Increased Parental Involvement
H. Less Freedom and more supervision from parents
I. Less Freedom and more supervision from school officials
Has the student completed the student survey? Yes No
If no, how many attempts did the school make to obtain a completed survey from the student? _______
The following section is included to encourage dropout retrieval efforts.
Three (3) month follow-up: (
Please check all that apply.)
Method of contact
___Letter (Level I) ___Phone call (Level II) ___Home visit (Level III)
___Contact Successful ___Contact Unsuccessful
Employment status
___Employed full-time ___Employed part-time ___Unemployed ___Unknown
Education status
___Working on GED ___Earned GED ___Enrolled in another school (private/vocational) ___Unknown
Other (Please explain)________________________________________________________________________
Did the student return to school following this contact? Yes No
Final contact (prior to start of next school year):
Not applicable: Student returned to school _____
Method of contact
___Letter (Level I) ___Phone call (Level II) ___Home visit (Level III)
___Contact Successful ___Contact Unsuccessful
Employment status
___Employed full-time ___Employed part-time ___Unemployed ___Unknown
Education status
___Working on GED ___Earned GED ___Enrolled in another school (private/vocational) ___Unknown
Other (Please explain)________________________________________________________________________
Did the student return to school following this contact? Yes No