Template for STAR Plan Development
District or Charter School Name: ___________________________
STAR Plan Contact’s Name, Title, and Contact Information: ____________________________
Date District Approved STAR Plan is Submitted to DOE for Review: _____________________
(must be prior to 12/31/2006)
STAR Plan Information:
Yes / No
1. Is this a joint plan submitted by this district and all charter schools within
the district?
2. Is the STAR plan submitted with a revised instructional personnel
assessment system?
3. Will the district be submitting a STAR plan for administrators?
All instructional personnel as defined
in s.1012.01(1)(a)-(d), F.S., are
included in the district’s STAR Plan.
The purpose of STAR is to reward teachers primarily
based upon the improved achievement of their
students without any requirement that they apply or
take any other action in order to be considered.
Based upon the portion of 1012.01 cited,
paraprofessionals are not required to be included in
the STAR plan.
The plan provides awards for
elementary middle and high school
instructional personnel.
The plan does not require an
application from any instructional
The plan provides for distribution of
bonus of no less than 5% of the base
pay to no less than 25% of
instructional personnel.
Plans may provide for more than 25% to be awarded
(any bonus amount) or for bonuses higher than 5% to
be awarded. Only if more than 75% of the district’s
instructional personnel receive below satisfactory
ratings can less than 25% of a district’s teacher
receive awards.
STAR awards are to be distributed as bonuses and
are not part of base pay and, therefore, not eligible to
be credited toward retirement.
For teachers in multiple content areas, district plans
may utilize local funds to provide more than one
bonus or any bonus greater than 5% to teachers who
meet the district criteria in an additional content area.
Use of these funds must be provided for in the plan.
STAR Plan Instructional Personnel Template 06.13.06
The plan provides for use of
remaining funds and any additional
funds distributed from a recalculation
after April 1, 2007.
The primary factor (a minimum of
50%) in determining the award for
each individual is the improvement in
achievement for that individual’s
The purpose of STAR is to reward teachers primarily
based upon the improved achievement of their
students. Plans that award personnel whose student
achievement improvement is only satisfactory may not
be approved by the State Board.
For example, for a district that uses
the seven evaluation criteria listed in
s.1012.34, F.S., for the factors in the
STAR evaluation instrument, student
achievement must receive at least an
equal portion of the weight as the
other six factors combined such that
the improved student achievement is
the primary factor in determining the
bonus award. Districts are free to
determine weighting within these
parameters. Please see the model
teacher evaluation plan document
provided by the Department.
The evaluation instrument includes
Teacher and administrator evaluation instruments
five levels similar to: Unsatisfactory,
Needs Improvement, Satisfactory,
High-performing, and Outstanding.
must contain sufficient rating categories to rate
performance that is above or below satisfactory. At
the very least, such instruments must have sufficient
ranking levels to identify outstanding teachers in each
of the seven evaluation criteria. Districts may use 4,
5, or 6 categories for each evaluation criterion.
District Plans may provide that
awardees receive no more than one
“satisfactory” rating on all factors.
The plan lists the methods used to measure
improvement in student performance
over the
course of the year, and each method is linked to
each instructional personnel by course number
in accordance with the proviso language as
Instructional personnel linked by
course numbers to instruction in
reading or math shall be determined
by a standardized test
Acceptable standardized tests may include:
the FCAT;
locally administered nationally norm referenced
tests (NRTs) for which gains could be calculated
(i.e., using the previous year’s NRT scores as a
proxy for a pre-test);
standardized district end-of-course tests for which a
pre-test is administered; or
a valid and reliable instrument that can measure
value-added student gains.
STAR Plan Instructional Personnel Template 06.13.06
Secondary instructional personnel
linked by course number to instruction
in social studies or science are
assessed by
a standardized test;
linking improved student
achievement in reading or
mathematics of the students
enrolled in the instructional
personnel’s social studies or
science class, as measured by a
standardized test, or
by instruments that measure the
Sunshine State Standards for the
area, including challenging grade-
level content and critical thinking
Instructional personnel not linked by
course numbers to instruction in
reading, math, secondary science or
secondary social science are
determined by instruments that
Class-wide or school-wide reading or math
standardized test results may be considered as one
factor in measuring student improvement for “other”
instructional personnel, such as reading coaches,
media specialists, and guidance counselors, who
measure the Sunshine State
have direct contact with these students, but it cannot
Standards for the area, including
challenging grade-level content and
critical thinking skills
be used as the exclusive measure of improved
student performance for these personnel.
District-developed or selected
methods to assess instructional
personnel in specialized areas,
including exceptional student
education, fine arts, career and
technical education
Class-wide or school-wide reading or math
standardized test results may be considered as one
factor in measuring student improvement for “other”
instructional personnel, such as reading coaches,
media specialists, and guidance counselors, who
have direct contact with these students, but it cannot
be used as the exclusive measure of improved
student performance for these personnel.
STAR Plan Instructional Personnel Template 06.13.06