1. Template for STAR Plan Development ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL
      1. District or Charter School Name: ___________________________

Template for STAR Plan Development
District or Charter School Name: ___________________________
STAR Plan Contact’s Name, Title, and Contact Information: ____________________________
Date District Approved Administrator STAR Plan is submitted to DOE for review:_______________
(must be prior to 12/31/2006)
Anticipated date District Approved Instructional STAR Plan to be submitted to DOE for review:
The plan does not require an
application for any administrator.
The plan provides for distribution of
bonuses to elementary middle and
high school administrators.
STAR awards are to be distributed as bonuses and
are not part of base pay and, therefore, not eligible to
be credited toward retirement.
The plan provides for use of
remaining funds and any additional
funds distributed from a recalculation
after April 1, 2007.
If additional funds from a recalculation will only be
awarded through the district’s STAR plan for
instructional staff ,this should be clarified in the STAR
plan for administrators.
The primary factor (minimum of 50%)
in determining the award for each
individual is the improvement in
achievement for that individual’s
The purpose of STAR is to reward teachers and
administrators primarily based upon the improved
achievement of their students. Plans that award
personnel whose student achievement improvement
is only satisfactory may not be approved by the State
Board. In the case of administrators, the student
achievement should be viewed school-wide, although
the district may include in the determination
performance of particular segments of school
populations or other school improvement goals.
The evaluation instrument includes
five levels similar to: Unsatisfactory,
Needs Improvement, Satisfactory,
High-performing, and Outstanding.
Teacher and administrator evaluation instruments
must contain sufficient rating categories to rate
performance that is above or below satisfactory. At
the very least, such instruments must have sufficient
ranking levels to identify outstanding administrators in
each of the seven evaluation criteria. Districts may
use 4, 5, or 6 categories for each evaluation criterion.
District Plans must provide that
awardees receive no more than one
“satisfactory” rating on all factors.
Since the primary factor in the evaluation must be
improved student achievement, it is highly unlikely
that this will be the one area for which an awardee
receives a “satisfactory” rating.
STAR Plan Administrator Template 06.13.06

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