District School Superintendents
Betty Coxe
August 9, 2002
Dr. Thomas Fisher
(850) 488-8198
Return of 2002 FCAT Writing Responses on Compact Disk
The purpose of this memorandum and the attachment is to provide information about
the return of student responses from the FCAT Writing assessment in 2002.
Due to
recent technological advances in the high-speed scanning of student answer
documents, it is now possible to create an electronic copy of the FCAT Writing
Imaging is a process similar to desktop scanning; however, it is much
faster. The scanned images are stored as electronic files and saved on compact disks
(CDs) for distribution.
Guidelines for use of the FCAT Writing CDs are addressed
herein and in the question-and-answer document attached.
Two sets of CDs containing student responses from the February 2002 FCAT Writing
assessment have been distributed to school districts: one set is organized by school,
and one set is organized by district.
The CDs were shipped to district coordinators
along with the shipment of FCAT Writing demographic reports.
Each district will
determine local distribution procedures for the CDs.
August 9, 2002
Memorandum – FCAT Writing CDs
Page 2
The FCAT Writing CDs include a copy of both pages on which a student might have
written his or her response. If the student wrote on only one page, the second page will
be blank. The student’s name, student identification number, and score are included on
both of these pages.
The school-level CDs are organized alphabetically by the
student’s last name for the school where the test was administered. The district-level
CDs are organized alphabetically for the entire district. Information on the CD is stored
in PDF format and can be accessed using Adobe Acrobat Reader
. The CD also
contains this program.
Individual responses can be easily located by searching for
either the student’s name or identification number.
The file contains the name and
identification number used on the student’s answer document for the 2002 FCAT
Writing administration.
Information found on the CDs is confidential and should be handled with the same
security precautions used to protect all student work, especially test scores. Because
the FCAT Writing CDs contain each student’s actual response for the 2002 test, as well
as the score he or she earned, schools and districts must ensure that individuals who
are given access to this information have a legitimate educational interest in the child or
children whose responses are retrieved.
Districts and schools should already have
guidelines in place to address the storage and retrieval of test information.
The attached question-and-answer document addresses, in more detail, the use of the
student responses on the CDs. If you have questions, please call Dr. Thomas Fisher at
the telephone number listed above.
Assistant Superintendents for Instruction
District Language Arts Supervisors
District Assessment Coordinators
FCAT Writing Essays on Compact Disks
Questions and Answers
1. What is the FCAT Writing CD?
The 2002 FCAT Writing student responses are being returned to school districts on
compact disks (CDs).
Recent technological advances in the high-speed scanning of
student answer documents make it possible to create an electronic copy of the FCAT
Writing responses.
Imaging is a process similar to desktop scanning; however, it is
much faster. The scanned images are stored as electronic files and saved on compact
disks (CDs) for distribution.
2. Is this the first time the DOE has returned FCAT Writing responses?
The responses from the 2002 FCAT Writing assessment are the first writing
responses returned to school districts.
3. When will the school district receive the compact disks?
The CDs were shipped to the district assessment coordinators in August 2002, along
with the shipment of FCAT Writing demographic reports. Each district will determine
local distribution procedures for the CDs.
4. What information is included on the CDs?
The FCAT Writing CDs include a copy of both pages on which a student might have
written his or her response. If the student wrote on only one page, the second page will
be blank. The student’s name, student identification number, and score are included on
both of these pages.
5. What is the format of the information stored on the CDs?
Information on the CD is stored in PDF format and can be accessed using Adobe
Acrobat Reader
. The CD also contains this program. Individual responses can be
easily located by searching for either the student’s name or identification number. The
file contains the name and identification number used on the student’s answer
document for the 2002 FCAT Writing administration.
The school-level CDs are
organized alphabetically by the student’s last name for the school where the test was
administered. The district-level CDs are organized alphabetically for the entire district.
6. Is the information on the CDs confidential?
Yes. Strict privacy laws protect student work, especially test scores. Information found
on the CDs should be handled with the same security precautions used to protect all
student work, especially test scores. Because the CDs contain each student’s actual
PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
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response for the 2002 test, as well as the score he or she earned, schools and districts
must ensure that individuals who are given access to this information have a legitimate
educational interest in the child or children whose responses are retrieved. Districts and
schools should already have guidelines in place to address the storage and retrieval of
test information.
These same guidelines apply to the images of the FCAT Writing
responses contained on the CDs.
7. Can the writing responses on the CD be printed?
The program used for reading the CD can also be used to print copies of
individual responses.
To print a student’s essay from the CD, first find the page
numbers that contain the essay. Select the print function from the “File” menu and type
in the appropriate page numbers for the essay to be printed. Providing specific page
numbers for the essay is critical in order to print only the needed essay and to eliminate
the chance of accidentally printing all of the essays contained on the CD. In addition,
access to the printer should be monitored to ensure that only authorized persons obtain
the printed copies.
8. Must we inform parents of the availability of the writing papers?
Parents have previously received a report of the FCAT Writing score. Districts are free
to decide how to communicate with parents about the availability of student essays.
Can copies of the essays be used for staff development?
After each administration of FCAT Writing, the DOE provides Grades 4, 8, and 10
Florida Writes!
publications. These documents, prepared for educators, contain detailed
information concerning FCAT Writing, along with sample student essays. Two student
responses for each of the 6 points in the scoring rubric for both prompts included in the
assessment are selected and included in
Florida Writes!.
The papers represent some
of the various writing techniques and skills students applied to respond to each prompt.
In addition to this document, the DOE provides each district with sets of annotated
student responses used during scorer training. Because these published essays have
been carefully selected to represent the FCAT scoring criteria, and have been edited to
remove all individually identifiable information, their use for staff development is
Classroom teachers and/or school administrators may wish to examine essays from the
CD in order to improve their own instructional programs in writing. Before using essays
printed from the CD for school-wide staff development, care must be taken to protect
the confidentiality of students and other persons who might have been mentioned in the
student writing (e.g., teachers, parents, friends, or other persons). Similar precautions
must be taken if district administrators wish to use essays printed from the CDs.
Additionally, please note that papers brought to the attention of district personnel for
troubling content issues are included on the CD without any notation indicating the
PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
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troubling content (threats or reports of harm to oneself or others).
Districts should
carefully consider whether to use such papers in any training program.
How should school and district administrators respond to questions about
the score a student essay received?
Questions about the scores given to papers are the perfect opportunity to share more
information about the teaching of writing, the test, and how the essays are scored. The
following recommendations should be considered when reviewing the scores given to
Section I – Understanding the Scoring of FCAT Writing
The student essay is only one sample of student writing completed during one 45-
minute testing session. Students do not have time to revise the essay, so the writing
is scored as a draft.
Within an instructional setting, when students are given the
opportunity to plan, research, draft, revise, and edit writing, the result may be a more
polished product than the one produced for FCAT Writing. Samples of student
writing taken under other conditions and for other purposes may be different from
the writing done under testing conditions.
Each student essay is evaluated for its overall quality using focused holistic scoring
that is based on four elements of writing: focus, organization, support, and
conventions. Explaining more about these elements of writing will help to clarify the
scoring rubric. Specific scores on papers should match the descriptions found in the
scoring rubric for that score point at the appropriate grade level. Classroom scores
on student writing may differ from scores on FCAT Writing for several reasons.
Classroom writing tasks may vary from the format used on FCAT Writing. Teachers
may not use the FCAT Writing rubric in scoring classroom writing, or the rubric may
be applied differently than the way it is used for state scoring.
These and other
aspects of the scoring of FCAT Writing are described more fully in
Florida Writes!
and other FCAT publications.
At least two professional readers, who meet stringent qualification criteria, score
each essay.
The qualification criteria include a bachelor’s degree in English or a
related field (journalism, literature, communication, etc.), a demonstration of writing
proficiency, the completion of 2-3 days of training, and a passing score on a
qualifying test. Prospective readers must learn how Florida teachers want the
essays scored by reviewing papers previously scored by those teachers.
To be
hired, prospective readers must accurately score a set of papers, the qualifying set,
by matching the scores previously assigned to the papers by Florida teachers.
The accuracy of each reader’s scoring is checked daily. A reader must continue to
score consistently with papers that were scored by Florida educators (validity) and
with other readers (reliability).
If readers do not meet the rigorous performance
criteria established by the Department of Education, they must be re-trained or
dismissed. When the two scores assigned to an essay are not adjacent, the paper
PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
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is read and scored by a third, and sometimes a fourth, experienced reader or
supervisor. The DOE writing assessment specialist must approve all scores that are
resolved by a fourth reading.
Section II – Reviewing Student Scores on FCAT Writing
To review a student’s score using the CD, print a copy of the student paper to verify
that it contains the work of the named student and that the student’s identification
number and score match the information on the student’s score report. If the work
attributed to the student does not legitimately belong to that student, the situation
should be reported immediately to the district assessment coordinator, who reports
the details to the DOE for investigation.
The school administrator or teacher responsible for writing instruction in the school
should meet with the parent or teacher of the student whose score is in question. At
this point, a more detailed examination of the various elements of writing (focus,
organization, support, and conventions) contained in the student’s paper should
occur. The student’s paper should be compared to the examples available in
A paper similar to the student’s will likely be found in the examples for the
exact or adjacent score points as that received by the paper.
If the paper is
determined to be more like a paper for a score more than one point greater than or
less than the student’s score (a non-adjacent score), consult with the district
language arts supervisor about the next steps.
The district language arts supervisor can provide additional insight about the
elements of writing and the focused holistic scoring method.
The language arts
supervisor should review the paper based on the resources provided by the DOE
and describe to the parent or the school official how the scoring criteria align with the
paper. If the language arts supervisor determines that the paper has been assigned
a score that would be more than one point greater than or less than the score
assigned to the student (a non-adjacent score), he/she should consult with the
district assessment coordinator about the next steps.
Based on the recommendation of the district language arts supervisor and
agreement by the district assessment coordinator, the paper can be referred to the
DOE for review. A written request for review of the paper must be submitted along
with a copy of the student’s paper. The written request should include a description
of the review steps completed and a rationale that describes why it is hypothesized
that the paper should have received a score that is more than one point greater than
or less than the score given (a non-adjacent score).
Written requests for review of scores should be submitted on district letterhead to
the K-12 Assessment Section of the Florida Department of Education, 325 W.
Gaines Street, Suite 401, Tallahassee, FL
Prior to submitting a written
request to DOE, staff members of the K-12 section are available for telephone
consultations on any aspect of this review. Please call Lissa Cone (850/922-2584)
with questions about FCAT Writing, focused holistic scoring, or scoring rubric
PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
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interpretations. Please call Jackie Mueller (850/488-8198) with questions about the
operational aspects of scoring and reporting or technical problems with the CD. All
written requests must be submitted to the DOE for review prior to January of the
year following the assessment, for example, January 2003, for the test administered
in February 2002.
Written requests for review of scores submitted to the Department of Education will
be evaluated using the same methods recommended above. Written responses will
be provided to the district assessment coordinator for each written request received.
What materials are available to help teachers understand how the writing
essays are scored?
The pertinent Florida Department of Education publications about FCAT Writing listed
below will be helpful. These documents should be available at each school or can be
requested from the district assessment coordinator.
Florida Writes! Report on the 2002 Assessment, Grades 4, 8, and 10
Florida Writes! Reports
are designed for educators involved in teaching, planning,
and evaluating curriculum in the Florida public schools.
Each grade level publication
describes the content and application of the writing tests and offers suggestions for
activities that may be helpful in preparing students for the assessments.
2002 FCAT Writing Scoring Guide and Qualifying Set with Annotations, Grades 4, 8, 10
These annotated sets provide actual student responses with explanations regarding the
score for each paper and are released to district language arts supervisors and
assessment coordinators during the summer following each FCAT Writing
Florida Writes! Parents’ and Guardians’ Guide to the 2002 Results, Grade 4; Students’
Guide to the 2002 Results, Grades 8, 10
The purpose of the Parents and Guardians’, and Students’
Florida Writes! Guides
is to
help students, parents, and guardians understand the scores given to students on the
statewide writing test. The
are available annually each May, after
the FCAT results are published. The
Parents’ and Guard
ians’ Guide, Grade 4
translated into Spanish and Haitian Creole.
FCAT Performance Task Scoring—Practice for Educators Publications and Software
These materials are designed to help teachers learn to score FCAT reading, writing,
and mathematics performance tasks at grades 4, 5, 8, and 10.
Trainer’s Guide
includes instructions for using the scoring publications and software in teacher
education seminars and workshops. The publications model the scorer training
experiences by presenting samples of student work for teachers to score.
publications were distributed to the districts in April 2001, and the companion software
was distributed in July 2001.
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Lessons Learned
FCAT Sunshine State Standards and Instructional Implications
This document provides an analysis of previous years’ FCAT results and contains
analyses of state FCAT reading, writing, and mathematics data for the years since the
first administration. The analysis will assist educators in interpreting and understanding
their local FCAT scores, which will help improve instruction in the classroom.
Distribution to districts was in May 2002.
Keys to FCAT, Grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-10
These booklets are distributed each January to district offices and contain information
for parents and students preparing for the reading, writing, and mathematics FCAT.
The 2002
Keys to FCAT
were translated into Spanish and Haitian Creole and are
available, along with the
Keys to FCAT
in English, on the FCAT home page on the
Department’s web site.
Florida Department of Education, Assessment & Evaluation
325 W. Gaines Street, Room 414, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (850) 488-8198
PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
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