Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Student Assistance
Part C
Student Evaluation Checklist for Implementing the GED Exit Option Model
Each implementing site must complete this checklist for each participating student.
Each student’s original checklist must be maintained at the implementing site. (
Note: This form
should not be returned with the district application.
Student Name:
Site Name:
Guideline 1 - Student Selection Procedures
The student is currently enrolled in courses that meet high school graduation requirements.
The student records (grades, credits, educational plans) were reviewed to determine
appropriate placement.
The student is overage for grade
the group with which the student entered kindergarten
has graduated, is graduating,
The student is a current year senior behind in credits or has a low GPA and is in jeopardy
of not graduating with his or her peer group.
The student’s reading level is at least at the seventh grade level at the time of selection, and
ninth grade at the time of testing.
Parental notification and consent were obtained prior to placement.
Both the parent and student received appropriate counseling regarding the GED tests, Exit
Option Model, and other graduation options prior to placement.
Both the parent and student received a written description of the GED
Exit Option Model, GED Tests content areas, and score requirements.
Guideline 2
Both the parent and student were notified that the transcript would indicate an alternative
GED Exit Option Model graduation route and only list the actual number of credits earned.
Student and parent received appropriate counseling regarding the GED Exit Option Model
and other graduation options prior to placement.
Student receives academic, personal, and career counseling, including information relative
to military recruiters, colleges, and universities.
Student receives counseling services during participation in the GED Exit Option Model.
Guideline 3 - Curricula and Instructional Content
The student is enrolled in classes for credit that meet high school graduation requirements.
The student receives grades and report cards.
The curriculum is designed specifically to meet the student’s needs based on diagnostic
Application to Implement the GED Exit Option Model, 2005-2006
Part C
Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Student Assistance
The student is given the opportunity to take the FCAT.
The student is given the opportunity to take the official GED practice tests.
The student earns acceptable scores on the official GED practice tests.
The student receives remediation if any section(s) of the GED or FCAT tests are not
Guideline 4 - Instructional Resources and Qualified Staff
The student is provided appropriate instructional materials.
Class size and classroom space is reasonable.
The student has access to 25 hours of instruction per week
Flexible scheduling allows for the student to attend vocational training, on-the-job training,
or be employed. (optional)
Guideline 5 - Standard High School Diploma
The student receives a district diploma in addition to the State of Florida diploma if he or
she passes both the GED Tests and FCAT.
The student receives only a State of Florida diploma if he or she passes the GED Tests and
does not pass the FCAT.
The student participates in all standard high school activities, including extracurricular
activities and graduation ceremonies.
Guideline 6 - Official Recognition
Guideline 9 - Data collection
The student receives the W10 withdrawal code for passing both the GED Tests and the
The student receives the WGD withdrawal code for passing the GED Tests but not passing
the FCAT.
Student data is transmitted to the Department via the Florida Automated Student Database
on the end-of-year record during Survey 5.
The student is given the opportunity to take the GED Tests.
Eligible students receive appropriate accommodations.
Guideline 10 - Integrity of the Tests
Application to Implement the GED Exit Option Model, 2005-2006
Part C