1. I. Name of Project:
  2. II. Brief Summary of Nature and Purpose of Project:
  3. III. Contract Documents:
    1. The documents establishing and constituting the contractual relationship between the Department and the Contractor (referred to collectively as the “Contract”) supersede all prior agreements and understandings, written or oral, regarding this Project. This Contract consists of the following documents and all of the following attachments, which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, and which are identified as follows:
        1. A. Attachment A: Detailed Description of Performance Duties;
        2. B. Attachment B: Schedule of Progress Payments;
        3. C. Attachment C: Standard Terms and Conditions;
        4. D. If determined by the Department to be applicable, Attachment
    2. E. Attachment E: Minority Sub Contractors Utilization summary. The Department determines that Attachment E is       applicable; and
    3. F. Attachment F: The above-referenced State Term Contract
  4. IV. Project Management:
  5. The Department and the Contractor designate their respective representatives, identified below (“Contract Manager”), for coordination, communication, and management of the Project.
  7. VI. Expiration Date:
  8. VII. Renewal:
  9. VIII. Travel:
  10. IX. Notice:
  11. X. Approval and Execution:









Department of Education









Name of Contractor



Address of principle place of business:






THIS CONTRACT is entered into as a contractual undertaking by and between the Florida Department of Education (Department) and the above-named Contractor (“Contractor”) as of the Effective Date. This Contract makes specific to the project, identified below (“Project”), the terms and conditions of the above-referenced State Term Contract.


I. Name of Project:



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II. Brief Summary of Nature and Purpose of Project:

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III.  Contract Documents:


The documents establishing and constituting the contractual relationship between the Department and the Contractor (referred to collectively as the “Contract”) supersede all prior agreements and understandings, written or oral, regarding this Project. This Contract consists of the following documents and all of the following attachments, which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, and which are identified as follows:



A.  Attachment A: Detailed Description of Performance Duties;

B.  Attachment B: Schedule of Progress Payments;

C.  Attachment C: Standard Terms and Conditions;

D.  If determined by the Department to be applicable, Attachment

D: Single Audit Act Requirements. The Department determines that Attachment D is       applicable;

E. Attachment E: Minority Sub Contractors Utilization summary. The Department determines that Attachment E is       applicable; and

F.  Attachment F: The above-referenced State Term Contract



The provisions of this Contract and Attachments A, B, and C shall govern any inconsistent or conflicting provisions in the other Contract documents identified above. Provisions in the       and each document made a part thereof shall govern any inconsistent or conflicting provisions in the Proposal and each document made a part thereof.


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IV. Project Management:

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The Department and the Contractor designate their respective representatives, identified below (“Contract Manager”), for coordination, communication, and management of the Project.


For the Department:        For the Contractor:
















(Mailing address)  



(Mailing address)  





(Phone, fax and e-mail)  




(Phone, fax and e-mail)  


V. Effective Date:

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This Contract shall be effective on      , or the date upon which it is signed by both Department and Contractor, whichever is later. (“Effective Date”).  

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VI. Expiration Date:
This Contract shall expire on      , unless cancelled earlier in accordance with its terms.

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Subject to the limitations set forth in Sections 287.057(14), and 287.058(1)(f), Florida Statutes, and Attachment C, Section I.F, this CONTRACT is renewable at the option of the Department for a renewal period or periods with commencement and expiration dates as follows:


The Department shall provide advance written notice of at least       days of its decision to exercise its option.


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Contractor be reimbursed for travel pursuant to Section 112.061, Florida Statutes.

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IX. Notice:
Notice given pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Contract shall be sufficient if given to the receiving party’s Contract Manager either 1) in writing addressed to that Contract Manager by certified mail, return receipt requested, or 2) by hand delivery.

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X. Approval and Execution:

The Department and the Contractor have caused this Contract to be executed by their undersigned officials, duly authorized.



(Contractor Name)

Department of Education





By: _______________________________

By: ________________________________

Printed Name: ______________________

Printed Name: _______________________

Title: _____________________________

Title: ______________________________

Date: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________


Approval of Department’s Office of General Counsel


as to form and legality:


By: ________________________________


Printed Name: ______________________


Title: ______________________________


Date: ______________________________


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