    Victoria Wagner
    (850) 488-8198
    District School Superintendents
    Betty Coxe
    April 26, 2002
    2003 FCAT and HSCT Test Administration Dates
    The 2002 FCAT administrations have been completed successfully. Thank you for your
    cooperation and active involvement with FCAT, but especially for your efforts to help students
    learn the challenging content of the Sunshine State Standards. Each year during and after the
    FCAT administration, it is our practice to gather input about the administration in order to
    improve the procedures used. We appreciate the suggestions we have received so far and we
    look forward to other ideas that might provide additional improvements. The attached FCAT
    schedule for 2002-2003 has incorporated many of the recommendations that have been provided
    so far.
    Over the past two years, many districts have requested and been given the opportunity to begin
    testing during the first week of March. The schedule for next year provides for the Reading,
    Mathematics, and Science testing to begin March 3 and extend through March 14. Some of the
    features of next year’s schedule are outlined in this memorandum and other details about the
    schedule will be provided in the weeks and months ahead. Please share the 2002-2003 dates
    with schools in your district as soon as possible.
    The schedule described herein will permit the data to be provided electronically in mid-May,
    before the end of the school year.

    DPS Memorandum
    April 26, 2002
    Page Two
    The 2002-2003 FCAT schedule has the following features.
    Writing will be administered February 11.
    The testing and make-up administrations for Reading, Mathematics, and Science will be
    March 3-14, 2003.
    Districts may request the day(s) on which to administer the norm-referenced test during the
    testing period.
    Packing and shipping dates will be based on the size of the district, with the largest districts
    shipping last. The last date for shipping materials to be scored will be March 21.
    In future years, the FCAT testing schedules will be similar to the one described on the
    attachment, with Writing administered in the second week of February, and Reading,
    Mathematics, and Science during the first two weeks of March. We know this information is
    important for your future planning; however, please recognize that factors over which the
    Department has no control may impact future testing schedules.
    We expect that the number of students who will be taking the HSCT will be greatly reduced next
    year. The 2002-2003 calendar is similar to previous years; however, after 2003, the
    administration schedule for the HSCT will be very different. Although the Department is
    currently working on provisions for HSCT administrations to continue for some time, the HSCT
    will not be available indefinitely. Please remember that for students to be eligible to take HSCT,
    they must be continuously enrolled.
    The new federal legislation known as “No Child Left Behind” requires that states participate in
    the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The state laws of Florida (s.
    229.57(2) F.S.) also require our participation in this program. The NAEP program will continue
    to be given in only a sample of schools throughout the state. If schools in your district are
    selected for participation, your testing coordinator will be notified according to the schedule
    provided by NAEP.
    Other details about the administration of the statewide assessment program will be provided at
    the annual meeting of the District Coordinators of Assessment. The meeting is scheduled for
    July 30 but is contingent on completing arrangements for meeting space. More information
    regarding the annual meeting will be provided to your assessment coordinator as soon as
    PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
    An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer

    DPS Memorandum
    April 26, 2002
    Page Three
    The Department of Education is introducing an alternative to bulk mail communications to
    districts and schools. We are excited about this project because it will not only reduce the
    amount of paper and postage used, it will increase our ability to communicate with you. Please
    review the attachment to this memorandum regarding how to register and receive electronic
    communications from the Department.
    If you have any questions about the 2002-2003 testing schedule, they may be directed to Victoria
    Wagner. Her address is Florida Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Room 401,
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400. (This document is available on the DOE home page at
    District Assistant Superintendents for Instruction
    District Coordinators of Assessment
    PLAZA LEVEL – 08, THE CAPITOL – TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-0400 – (850) 413-0555 – FAX (850) 488-2869
    An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer

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