1. FCAT Reading FCAT Mathematics

Florida Department of Education
The Enhanced New Needed Opportunity for Better Life and Education for Students with Disabilities (ENNOBLES) Act,
passed by the 2003 Legislature, requires that each district school board provide instruction to prepare students with
disabilities to demonstrate proficiency in the skills and competencies necessary for successful grade-to-grade
progression and high school graduation.
The ENNOBLES Act also provides, at section 1003.43(11)(b), Florida Statutes (F.S.), for the waiver of the FCAT
requirement for graduation with a standard diploma
for certain students with disabilities who have met all other
requirements for graduation with a standard diploma
, except a passing score on the FCAT. In order for the FCAT
graduation requirement to be waived, the individual educational plan (IEP) team must meet during the student’s senior
year to determine whether or not the FCAT can accurately measure the student’s abilities, taking into consideration
allowable accommodations. “Senior year” refers to the first time that a student has enough credits to be classified as a
senior, and to those students with disabilities who have elected to remain enrolled in order to seek a standard diploma.
In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), students with disabilities may receive services
nd birthday or, or at the option of the school district,
the school year in which the student turns age 22) or until they graduate with a standard diploma, whichever occurs first.
Consistent with the provisions of section 1003.43(11)(a), F.S., any senior who has not achieved a passing score on the
FCAT must receive intensive remediation. Additional funds to support remediation activities have been provided to
districts through their IDEA grant. To help evaluate the effectiveness of such remediation and ensure each student has
had every opportunity to pass the FCAT, the student must participate in the March administration of the FCAT during
his/her senior year. Sections One through Five below must be completed for the student being considered for the FCAT
In order to be considered for the waiver from the FCAT graduation requirement, the student must
1) be identified as a
student with a disability, as defined in section 1007.02(2), Florida Statutes; 2) have an individual educational
plan (IEP); 3) be a senior or student with disabilities who remains enrolled seeking a standard diploma for whom
the FCAT is the graduation test; 4) have demonstrated mastery of the Grade 10 Sunshine State Standards; 5)
have taken the Grade 10 FCAT with appropriate allowable accommodations at least twice (for example, once in
grade 10 and once in grade 11) or if not continuously enrolled in public school in Florida, at least once during
each year of enrollment in grades 10, 11 or 12; 6) have participated in intensive remediation for FCAT Reading
and/or FCAT Mathematics, if passing scores were not earned; and 7) be progressing towards meeting the state's
24 credit/course and 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) requirements and any other district requirements
for graduation with a standard diploma.
For the student being considered for the FCAT waiver, the following
information must be completed:
District: _____________________________________School: _____________________________________
Student Name: _______________________________Student ID#: _________________________________
Student Grade Level: __________________________Date of Birth: _________________________________
Date of IEP Team Meeting: ______________________________
Disability* (indicate all areas that apply):
mental retardation (A, B, or N)
emotional handicap (J)
orthopedic impairment (C)
specific learning disability, including, but not limited to,
speech impairment (F)
dyslexia, dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia (K)
Revised December 2003

language impairment (G)
autism (P)
hearing impairment, including deafness (H)
serious emotional disturbance (Q)
visual impairment, including blindness (I)
traumatic brain injury (S)
other health impairment (V)
*Letters are codes used to report students by exceptionality through the Department’s automated student information system.
Revised December 2003

The passing score for 2004 graduating seniors is 300 for reading (developmental scale score 1926) and 300 for
mathematics (developmental scale score 1889). Passing scores for students identified as part of the graduating class of
the 2003 cohort are 287 for reading (developmental scale score 1856) and 295 for mathematics (developmental scale
score 1868).
This student is a member of the 2004 graduating class cohort and is required to earn scores of 300.
This student is a member of the 2003 graduating class cohort and is required to earn the alternative scores.
Complete the boxes below or attach a copy of the student’s data report and IEP indicating accommodations provided
during the administrations of the FCAT.
FCAT Reading
FCAT Mathematics
Date of Administration:
Date of Administration:
Grade of Student:
Grade of Student:
Accommodations Provided:
Accommodations Provided:
Date of Administration:
Date of Administration:
Grade of Student:
Grade of Student:
Accommodations Provided:
Accommodations Provided:
Date of Administration:
Date of Administration:
Grade of Student:
Grade of Student:
Accommodations Provided:
Accommodations Provided:
Date of Administration:
Date of Administration:
Grade of Student:
Grade of Student:
Accommodations Provided:
Accommodations Provided:
Date of Administration:
Date of Administration:
Grade of Student:
Grade of Student:
Accommodations Provided:
Accommodations Provided:
Date of Administration:
Date of Administration:
Grade of Student:
Grade of Student:
Accommodations Provided:
Accommodations Provided:
Revised December 2003

The IEP team must meet to determine whether or not the FCAT requirement should be waived. Answer the questions in
section three to help guide the determination.
What information related to the student has the IEP team reviewed?
(Check yes or no for each item listed.)
Yes No
individual educational plan
classroom performance
academic history, report cards, or course transcript
performance on other academic standardized assessments
accommodations provided to the student on the FCAT
FCAT scores
performance in FCAT remediation activities
other (please specify) ___________________________________________________
Has the student been enrolled in courses leading to a standard diploma and had multiple opportunities to
master the Sunshine State Standards that are assessed by the Grade 10 FCAT?
Yes No
Has the student taken the Grade 10 FCAT with appropriate allowable accommodations at least twice (for
example, once in grade 10 and once in grade 11) or if not continuously enrolled in public school in Florida,
at least once during each year of enrollment in grade 10, 11 or 12?
Yes No
Has the student earned a passing score on
the reading portion of the Grade 10 FCAT?
the mathematics portion of the Grade 10 FCAT?
Does the FCAT, with appropriate, allowable accommodations, accurately measure the student’s abilities?
Yes No
If yes, the student is not eligible for the waiver.
If no, then why does the FCAT not accurately measure the student's abilities?
(Check at least one. Check all
that apply.)
The student received the following accommodations in the classroom
that are not allowed on the FCAT:
(describe or attach information)
The student received the following modifications in the classroom
that are not allowed on the FCAT:
(describe or attach information)
The student’s disability prohibits the student from responding to the written test, even with allowable
accommodations, so that the results of the test reflect the student’s impaired sensory, manual, or speaking
skills rather than the student’s abilities.
Revised December 2003

Has the student demonstrated mastery of the Grade 10 Sunshine State Standards as assessed on the Grade
10 FCAT? If yes, continue with the completion of this form. If no, the student is not eligible for an FCAT
waiver at this time.
If yes, evidence of the student's mastery of the Sunshine State Standards includes the following:
(Check at
least one. Check all that apply.)
the student’s performance on other standardized academic assessments such as the Scholastic Aptitude
Test (SAT), College Placement Test (CPT), American College Test (ACT), or the Armed Services
Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
(Indicate test and scores.)
the student’s performance in core academic courses (e.g., language arts and mathematics), including
classroom work, end-of-year/semester exams, and teacher observations
(Attach academic history, report
card, or transcript.)
the student’s performance in higher-level courses (e.g., honors, advanced placement) or in postsecondary
courses through dual enrollment
(Attach academic history, report card, or transcript.)
To be eligible for the FCAT waiver, the student must have participated in intensive remediation. Specify the
student’s participation and performance in intensive remediation activities for FCAT Reading and FCAT
(Describe and attach documentation.)
Based on its consideration of information regarding the student--including disability, academic performance, FCAT
performance and accommodations provided, and demonstration of mastery of the Grade 10 Sunshine State Standards
as assessed by the Grade 10 FCAT--the IEP team has determined that
the passing score for the Grade 10 FCAT Reading should be waived.
the passing score for the Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics should be waived.
The IEP team has informed the student and the parent of the district’s obligation to provide appropriate remediation and
additional opportunities to take and pass the FCAT and provide the student with a free appropriate public education until
the student turns 22 or the end of the semester or school year in which the student turns 22, in accordance with the
school district’s policy, or receives a standard diploma, whichever occurs first.
Yes No
Revised December 2003

Student: ____________________________________Parent/Guardian:____________________________________
Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher: _____________________________________________________________________________________
LEA Representative: __________________________Title of LEA Rep: ____________________________________
Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________
The signature of the principal or designee signifies that all the required documentation has been completed and
attached. The signature does not indicate approval of the IEP team’s decision or that the student is going to be awarded
a standard high school diploma. The standard high school diploma will only be awarded when the student meets the
state’s 24 credit/course and 2.0 grade point average requirement and any other district requirements for graduation with
a standard diploma.
Yes No
All the required documentation has been completed and attached.
This student has met the state's 24 credit/course and 2.0 grade point average requirement and any other district
requirements for graduation with a standard diploma.
School Principal or Designee: _______________________________ Date: ______________________
Title of Designee: ________________________________________
As a condition of graduation with a standard diploma, this student has met the state's 24 credit/course and 2.0 grade
point average requirement and any other district requirements.
Superintendent or Designee: _______________________________ Date: ______________________
Title of Designee: ________________________________________
FCAT scores and accommodations provided
(if not included on page 2)
Documentation of accommodations and/or modifications provided in the classroom or other information (
question #5)
Other test scores, academic history, report card, transcript, or a description of the student’s performance
question #6)
Revised December 2003

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