1. 11th Annual Sterling Conference
    2. May 27–30, 2003 at the Orlando World Center Marri
      1. Wednesday, May 28, 2003
        1. Thursday, May 29, 2003

Annual Sterling Conference
May 27–30, 2003 at the Orlando World Center Marriott
Education Workshop Sessions
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
9:45 - 11:30
Building Upon Our Strengths Through Quality Principles and Practices
John Jay Bonstingl, Advisor in Quality Improvement, Bonstingl Leadership Development
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Learn about a simple yet powerful process you can use with your own organization to determine
your strengths and areas for possible improvement
Identify practical ways to bring your mission statement alive, making it the touchstone of your way
of life
Build greater and greater Quality into your systems and processes, for the benefit of all of your
clients and stakeholders
1:45 - 2:45
The Classroom Learning System: Application of the Criteria in Classrooms
Mary Beth Corace, Ph.D., Supervisor Quality Academy, Pinellas County Schools
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Understand the components of the Classroom Learning System
Link the Sterling Criteria with actual classroom applications
Hear teachers describe their use of the Sterling Criteria in classrooms
Thursday, May 29, 2003
9:30 - 11:15
Creating a High Performing School District from the Board of Education to the Classroom
Superintendent, Valley View District 365U
Valley View District 365U
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Learn about the components of a training model that has been successfully implemented at all
levels in a school district
Understand the role of a Board of Education as a leadership system and how the board learns to
lead a high performing organization from “above the line”
Recognize how a Baldrige-based system can be implemented at the elementary and secondary
levels including the training of students and parents in the use of quality concepts and tools
9:30 - 11:15
Students and Stakeholders (2001 Baldrige Award Recipient–Education)
Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe, Assistant Chancellor, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Determine key internal and external stakeholder groups
Understand what approach can be used to identify expectations and anticipate needs for diverse
Identity how to build and maintain relationships with each group of stakeholders
1:45 - 2:45
Benchmarking and Knowledge Sharing for Educators
Laura Longmire, Chief Learning Officer, Stupski Family Foundation
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Understand the methodology of benchmarking
Define, capture, and implement best practices
Design the approaches for collaborative knowledge sharing
Friday, May 30, 2003
9:00 - 10:00
Technology Based Improvement Tools
Mike Ferguson, Director, Florida Center for Interactive Media, Florida Center for Interactive Media, Tallahassee
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Discuss the attributes of different technologies and their application for quality implementation
Identify strategies for implementing quality concepts in K-12 education
Discuss the use of online tools developed and customized for individual and organizational self-
10:30 - 11:30
Quality: It Just Makes Sense
Largo High School, Students, Pinellas County Schools
Upon completion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
Identify the changes Quality makes in the lives of high school students
Recognize how students are empowered to take responsibility for their own learning
Collect information on how 10th-12th-grade student volunteers teach ninth-graders about quality
tools and the PDSA improvement cycle
Reserve your place now by calling the Florida Sterling Council (850) 922-5316.
Please see our new and improved web site for more conference information:

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