1. May 28, 2003
      1. Whitley County Consolidated Schools
        1. Pinellas Classroom Teachers’ Association

Florida Sterling Conference
Education Forum
May 28, 2003
3:00 – 6:00 PM
The Florida Sterling Council is once again responding to customer requests by adding this special
session for educational organizations to the conference schedule. Education sector organizations face
some of the same challenges as private businesses, but they must also address some governance
structures and other issues that are unique.
The Education Forum is organized to share the experiences of five organizations in using the Sterling
Model as a management system in their journeys to performance excellence. These organizations
include the Florida Department of Education, Pinellas County School District, Miami-Dade County
School District, Whitley County Consolidated Schools, and Pinellas Classroom Teachers’ Association.
Each organization is at a different stage of the journey, but all will address why they chose the Sterling
Management System, how they started, what has worked and not worked for them, and what they
consider to be some of their best practices.
Florida Department of Education
Pinellas County School District
Leaders from DOE will discuss why they have
chosen this management model to meet the
Governor’s expectations of a seamless K-20
system that operates effectively and efficiently
to produce performance results. They will
address the feedback they received at the
conference last year, and deployment of their
strategic plan including pilot projects and
process changes to improve their services to
school districts
The Pinellas County School District has been
implementing the Sterling Model for eleven years
and won the Governor’s Sterling Award in 1993.
They have also had two schools win the award:
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Elementary in 1998,
and Azalea Elementary in 2000. Representatives
will be able to address issues specific to large
district administration and to sustaining
Miami-Dade County School District
Whitley County Consolidated Schools
Miami-Dade County Public Schools aligned
their School Performance Excellence Plans to
Sterling in 1999. More than 20 schools have
used the Challenge or GSA self-assessment to
identify their strengths and opportunities for
improvement. In addition, 7 of the district ‘s
business departments have used the “Navigator
to Site” to assess their current processes.
This small rural district in Indiana started their
journey in 1999. They were able to learn from
those who paved the path, but also faced
challenges of consolidation of small schools, a
large geographic area, and politics of changing
school boards. This superintendent will address
the importance and role of senior leadership in
starting and supporting the implementation of
systematic improvement.
In addition to these presentations, you will have
the opportunity to ask specific questions to members
of a panel and learn how the Florida Sterling
Council can help you get started or move forward.
Pinellas Classroom Teachers’ Association
PCTA has been involved with the school
district in the Sterling process since the
beginning. PCTA leaders will discuss how they
use Sterling to improve their internal
operations as well as their working relationship
with the district.
As this is a special event, we want to arrange for
the appropriate facility. To help us in planning, we
would ask you to RSVP for the Education Forum as
a note with your conference registration. You will
receive an entry ticket in your registration packet.
Note: The forum is open only to conference attendees, so register early.

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