1. Direct       Indirect
        1. Child Care Services     Testing, Assessment & Evaluation 
  1. § Major Findings - Findings that would affect service delivery, put clients at risk or has potential for payment error, and has been placed on the Department of Management Services’ Vendors Suspended List.
    1. § Minor Findings - Findings that would not affect service delivery, put clients at risk or have potential for payment error, has not been placed on the Department of Management Services’ Vendors Suspended List.





A High-Risk Contract requires more stringent monitoring than the medium or low-risk contracts due to the importance, sensitivity, or other factors as indicated on the Risk Assessment Weight Table with a score of 38 to 50. A High-Risk contract includes the following factors:

§ mission critical
§ total amount is $500,000 or more
§ the services provided have a direct impact on the clients serviced
§ has no monitoring plan
§ major findings have been identified in the provider’s history

A Medium-Risk Contract requires less monitoring than the high-risk contracts but more than the low risk contracts due to the factors as indicated on the Risk Assessment Weight Table with a score of 30 to 37. A Medium-Risk contract includes the following factors:

§ mission support
§ total amount is more than $100,000 but less than $500,000
§ the services provided have an indirect impact on the clients serviced
§ has a current monitoring plan
§ only minor findings have been identified in the provider’s history
§ the provider is new

A Low-Risk Contract requires less monitoring than the high-risk or medium-risk contracts due to the factors as indicated on the Risk Assessment Weight Table with a score of 29 or less.

A Low-Risk contract includes the following factors:

§ mission support
§ total amount is less than $100,000
§ the services provided have an indirect impact on the clients serviced
§ it is monitored by an independent source
§ there have been no findings during previous monitoring

Department Priority:

 Mission Critical

   Directly related to the agency or division mission; including, but not limited to:

§ Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)
§ Just Read, Florida
§ Governor’s Mentoring Initiative
§ One Florida
§ No Child Left Behind
§ Rehabilitation
§ Pass-thru Contract Dollars

 Mission Support

Supports established Departmental Mission Statements including, but not limited to:

§ Legal Services
§ Consulting Services
§ Technology
§ Security Services
§ Counseling
§ Management Services
§ Default Aversion Assistance
§ Training
§ Curriculum Specifications
§ Investigative Services
§ Executive Search Services
§ Physical Plant
§ Building Renovations
§ Pass-thru Contract Dollars

Contacted dollars:

 The total amount of the contract.


Nature of Services:

Types of services contracted. Services can be direct or indirect. Direct services are those where the Contractor deals directly with a client or group of clients. All other services are identified as Indirect. This includes, but is not limited to:


Direct              Indirect

Child Care Services          Testing, Assessment & Evaluation  

 Rehabilitation            Legal Services

 Independent Living Services        Consulting

 Legal Services            Technology

 Counseling            Security Services

 Default Aversion Assistance        Counseling

               Management Services


               Curriculum Specifications

               Investigative Services

               Executive Search Service

               Media Services

               Physical Plant

               Building Renovation


Current Monitoring Plan:

Monitoring means any planned or periodic monitoring or review of activity that measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a contract. The level of monitoring should be based on a risk assessment of the contractor’s role in delivering acceptable services and the contractor’s ability to fulfill the contract deliverables in accordance with the contract terms.





Provider History:

Past demonstrated contractor performance including:

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§ Major Findings - Findings that would affect service delivery, put clients at risk or has potential for payment error, and has been placed on the Department of Management Services’ Vendors Suspended List.

§ Minor Findings - Findings that would not affect service delivery, put clients at risk or have potential for payment error, has not been placed on the Department of Management Services’ Vendors Suspended List.
§ Corrective Action - Action taken by the contractor that corrects identified deficiencies, produces recommended improvements, or demonstrates that deficiencies or findings are either invalid or do not warrant further action.

Risk Value is the numeric range of risk for each criterion category used to determine the overall rating of the risk level for each contract.

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Contract Risk Assessment Definitions & Weight Table forms CM 09   Last revised March 21, 2003