1. Approx. Time*
    2. Gr. 2
    3. Approx. Time*Gr. K–1
    5. Approx. Time*
    6. Gr. 2
    7. Approx. Time*Gr. K–1

Commissioner of
The purpose of this technical assistance paper is to provide school districts and schools
information, guidance, and clarification on the 2006 administration of the annual English
language proficiency assessment, the Comprehensive English Language Learning
Assessment (CELLA), as required by Titles I and III of the No Child Left Behind Act of
2001 (NCLB).
Pursuant to Sec. 1111 (b)(7) of Title I, Part A, states are required to administer an
annual assessment that measures the English language proficiency of English language
learners (ELLs) in grades K-12. The Comprehensive English Language Learning
Assessment (CELLA) will be administered to all ELLs in the state beginning in the fall of
the 2006-07 school year to meet this requirement and to assist districts and schools in
determining English proficiency attainment in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Florida school districts currently use a cadre of 7-12 instruments for program entry/exit
that do not provide a common basis for determining the English language proficiency of
students or the progress students are making toward this goal. The purpose of the
CELLA is to provide a statewide assessment for students, schools, and districts that will
meet the requirements of NCLB for students covered under Title III.
CELLA was developed through extensive collaboration with Educational Testing
Services (ETS), Accountability Works, and five states (Florida, Maryland, Michigan,
Pennsylvania, and Tennessee). CELLA was designed to produce an assessment of
English language proficiency with four test levels, two forms per level in four skill areas
(i.e. reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Each skill area is assessed using a
variety of multiple-choice and/or constructed-response items and three scales of
measurement (i.e. reading, writing, and combined listening/speaking) will be created
using item response theory. Moreover, the three scales of measurement will be linked
vertically such that all four CELLA levels share a common scale.
Technical Assistance Paper 2006-01
March 2006
Refer questions to Lisa C. Saavedra, Executive Director, Academic Achievement Through Language
Acquisition, Office of the Chancellor, K-12 Public Schools via email at lisa.saavedra@fldoe.org, or by
phone at 850-245-5074; or Dr. Cornelia Orr, Director of Assessment and School Performance via email
at cornelia.orr@fldoe.org, or by phone at 850-245-0513.

The results of the 2006 administration will used to acquire the baseline data necessary
to establish the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) required by Sec.
3122 of Title III, Part A of NCLB. AMAOs, which are similar to Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP), will assist the state in determining the progress made by the ELL
population in attaining English language proficiency.
Q1: When will CELLA be administered?
A1: CELLA will be administered statewide in 2006 for the last week of August through the
last week of September. For the 2006-07 school year CELLA may not be used for determining
ELL/LEP student placement or exit.
Q2: When may districts discontinue the use of their currently approved
ELL/LEP assessments?
A2: School districts are required to continue the use of approved listening/speaking and
reading/writing assessments for ELL/LEP student placement (entry or exit), as described in the
approved District LEP Plan and for the 2006 annual assessment that will be reported on Survey
5. The 2006-07school year will be the only year in which both CELLA and the district’s existing
annual evaluation will be administered; thereafter the annual assessment will be based on
CELLA. Until cut-scores are established for CELLA and State Board of Education rules are
revised to reflect new cut-scores for English proficiency, districts will need to continue to use the
listening and speaking, and reading and writing assessments as outlined in the district’s
approved District LEP Plan for placement (entry/exit) of ELL/LEP students.
Q3: What is the role of the district ESOL and Assessment Coordinators?
A3: The specific roles for each of the district coordinators is a local decision. The district will
be required to designate a district coordinator who will be responsible for verifying receipt of the
test materials for each school, ensuring that all schools receive the test materials, verifying the
return of all test booklets, and return shipping to ETS. Attached is a copy if the form that has
been sent to school superintendents.
Q4: Given that the first statewide administration has been delayed until August,
2006, will there be a “end of year” administration of CELLA in the 2006-07?
A4: Yes. CELLA will again be administered in April, 2007, and will be administered annually
in April thereafter, contingent on continued allocation of state and federal funding.
Q5: When will training be provided to ESOL and Assessment Coordinators?
A5: At least six (6) regional training meetings (Train-the-Trainer/TOT) will be conducted late
spring/early summer in 2006. Districts may choose the number of participants to send to the
TOT sessions depending upon the size of the ELL population in the district. In addition, one set
of training materials will be provided for each school administering the assessment.
Q6: When will materials arrive?
A6: CELLA test administration materials will arrive in the district the first week of July, 2006.

Q7: Do all current ELLs have to take CELLA?
A7: Yes. The district coordinator will receive a test booklet for any student who had been
identified as an ELL at anytime during the 2005-06 school year. All current ELL students
(students with an LEP code of LY, LN, and LP) who are present at the time of testing must be
administered the assessment. In addition, the district coordinator must account for all students
assigned a test booklet that either exited the program or withdrew from the district.
Q8: How will the test be administered?
A8: The test will be administered by test administrators at each school (teachers, guidance
counselors, paraprofessionals, etc.) who have been trained and have signed the Test Security
Affidavit. The test consists of four sections: listening, speaking, reading, and writing at four
Level A for grades K-2;
Level B for grades 3-5;
Level C for grades 6-8;
Level D for grades 9-12.
For grades K-2, each section will be administered to students on an individual basis. For
grades 3-12, the speaking section will be administered individually, and all other sections will
be administered in a group setting.
Q9: What level of the test is administered to students who are functioning
below grade level in English language proficiency?
A9: It is recommended that students take the CELLA test that corresponds to their grade
level; however, since there can be a wide range of English language proficiency levels within a
grade, CELLA offers functional level testing. With functional level testing, students take the
Listening and Speaking sections that correspond to their grade level, but may take the Reading
and Writing sections on level below their grade level.
Q10: How long will the test administration take?
A10: The time for test administration is dependent upon the Section and Level administered.
*Times do not include distribution of materials and completion of demographic information.
15 min.
15 min.
• Individually administered to all
Level A students (K–2)
30 min.
15 min.
• Small-group administered
(Individual administration is
recommended for kindergarten)
(Grade 2 includes
35 min.
15 min.
• Small-group administered
(Individual administration is
recommended for kindergarten)
(Grade 2 includes
15 min.
15 min.
• Small-group administered
(Individual administration is
recommended for kindergarten)
• Teacher reads script or plays CD
Gr. 2
Gr. K–1
15 min.
15 min.
• Individually administered to all
Level A students (K–2)
30 min.
15 min.
• Small-group administered
(Individual administration is
recommended for kindergarten)
(Grade 2 includes
35 min.
15 min.
• Small-group administered
(Individual administration is
recommended for kindergarten)
(Grade 2 includes
15 min.
15 min.
• Small-group administered
(Individual administration is
recommended for kindergarten)
• Teacher reads script or plays CD
Gr. 2
Gr. K–1

LEVEL B, C, and D

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*Times do not include distribution of materials and completion of demographic information.
70 min.
• Group administered
45 min.
• Group administered
10–15 min.
• Individually administered
• Teacher reads script
25 min.
• Group administered
• Teacher reads script or plays CD
70 min.
• Group administered
45 min.
• Group administered
10–15 min.
• Individually administered
• Teacher reads script
25 min.
• Group administered
• Teacher reads script or plays CD
Q11: Will a Locator Test be provided?
A11: Yes, Locator Test will be provided. The Locator test is a short test consisting of 18
multiple-choice reading questions and is designed to help determine which level of Reading and
Writing assessment –A, B, C or D – is most appropriate for each student. The Locator test takes
approximately 30 minutes to administer. To facilitate this process, the ESOL or primary
language arts teacher should be consulted in advance, as he/she could assist in determining
which reading and writing assessment should be administered. It is recommended that the
locator test be administered only to recently-arrived ELLs or those for whom the appropriate
level of reading and writing are uncertain.
Q12: Are ELLs afforded the same accommodations provided on CELLA as those
provided during other statewide assessments?
A12: No. Only those ELLs that have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) may be provided
those accommodations set forth in their IEP. Accommodations provided to all other ELLs during
the FCAT and other assessments, such as flexible setting, extended time, etc., may not be
provided during the administration of CELLA.
Q13: Will test booklets be provided in large print and Braille for those students
who are visually impaired?
A13: Yes, Braille and large print test booklets will be provided. Contracted Braille versions will
be provided for Levels B, C and D.
Q14: Will CELLA be used as an exit test for the 2005-06 school year?
A14: No. Districts will have to test students using their current English language proficient
assessment to determine placement for the 2006-07 school year because cut scores will not be
established end of December,2006.
Q15: May CELLA be used as an entry and exit exam beginning in the 2006-07
school year?
A15: The exit criteria are set forth in Rule 6A-6.0902, F.A.C. and in the Consent Decree and
therefore the Department would need to submit a rule amendment and an amendment/change
to the Consent Decree. Due to the timelines for administration and standard setting, CELLA
may not be used as an entry/exam for the 2006-07 school year.

Q16: What score reports will be generated and shipped to the districts?
A16: Each district will receive the individual student report, school report and the district
report. Aggregate results will only include data when the number of students is 10 or more.
Reports will be provided in hardcopy and electronic versions.
Q17: Will the results of CELLA affect school grades or school AYP
A17: No. The results of CELLA will be used for determining progress towards the Annual
Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs), as required by Title III of NCLB. CELLA will not
affect school grades. However, beginning in the 2007-08 school year, the State’s AYP will be
determined in part based upon the progress made by the districts in meeting the AMAOs. In
addition, districts that do not meet the AMAOs for two consecutive years will be required to
develop an improvement plan that addresses the factors contributing to the district not meeting
the AMAOs (i.e. reading, writing, listening, or speaking). If a district does not meet the AMAOs
for four consecutive years, Title III funds may be withheld.
Q18: Must CELLA be administered by a certified teacher?
A18: No. CELLA may be administered by a non-certified teacher that has been trained to
administer the test.
Q19: Will materials about CELLA be developed for distribution to parents?
A19: Yes. An informational flyer explaining CELLA, its purpose and levels assessed, etc. is
being developed and will be translated into the top 10 languages in Florida and distributed to
school districts for use in communicating with parents. In addition, the descriptors explaining
the individual student scores will be translated in the top 10 languages.
Q20: Since the administration of CELLA has been delayed until August 2006, are
ELL students who enroll in July and August to be tested on CELLA?
A20: FDOE will be providing districts, under separate cover additional guidance and a decision
tree for determining which ELL students should be tested and the date certain for excluding ELL
students that should not be included in the 2006 administration of CELLA.

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