1. FCAT Summer Administration Schedule:
    2. Other FCAT Interpretive Materials:
    3. Additional Web Resources:
    4. Section 1008.22(3)(c)5, Florida Statutes:

How to Use 12
Grade Information
FCAT Student Results Provided to Schools Between May 5-9, 2003, including:
FCAT Informational Letter to Parents
This defines the technical assessment terms found in the Individual Student FCAT Report
and provides information about students’ annual academic progress based on their FCAT
scores in Reading and Mathematics.
Individual Student FCAT Report
This contains individual student’s scores for the Reading and Mathematics Sunshine
State Standards portion of the FCAT.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that the scores are reported on a different scale this year.
Instead of a scale of 100-500, the scale is now 0-3000.
Passing scale scores for the 2003 grade 10 FCAT are 1926 (previous scale score of 300)
or above for reading and 1889 (previous scale score of 300) or above for mathematics.
Passing developmental scores for the 2003 grade 10 FCAT are 1926 or above for reading
and 1889 or above for mathematics.
Students who were administered the grade 10 FCAT for the first time during the 2001
administrations must earn a passing scale score of 1856 or higher in reading and 1868 or
higher in mathematics.
FCAT Summer Administration Schedule:
The next reading and mathematics FCAT administration for rising 12
graders, new students,
and students retaking the tests is June 23-27, 2003.
Your guidance counselor will be able to give you more information concerning times and test
Other FCAT Interpretive Materials:
(available in a separate shipment to districts and schools)
Understanding 2003 FCAT Reports
This booklet provides information about the FCAT student, district, and school reports
for the 2003 administration. Samples of reports, explanation about the reports, and a
glossary of technical terms are included. Distribution to districts is scheduled to coincide
with the delivery of student reports. The booklet may be downloaded from the
Department of Education Web site at http://www.firn.edu/doe/sas/fcat.htm.
Keys to FCAT 2003, Grades 9-10
These booklets are distributed to districts each January and contain information for
parents and students preparing for FCAT Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. The 2003
publications are translated into Spanish and Haitian Creole and are available, along with
the Keys to FCAT in English, on the Department of Education Web site at
Success on the reading and mathematics Sunshine State Standards portion of the FCAT
can best be understood by using the Achievement Levels where a 3 or higher is on or
above grade level.

Additional Web Resources:
http://www.firn.edu/doe/sas/fcat.htm (teacher publications) FCAT sample reading and
mathematics test materials and released items for tenth grade students.
FCAT sample reading and mathematics test materials and released
items for tenth grade students.
Section 1008.22(3)(c)5, Florida Statutes:
State law gives the State Board of Education the authority to designate a passing score for
each part of the 10
grade assessment test. Families should be given an explanation of the
information on which the decision was based, and teachers should try to enlist the student’s
support for remediation and retaking the FCAT.

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